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Informational Interview

Informational interviews provide an opportunity to discuss a jobs characteristics with someone who is already doing the job. Informational interviews are meetings between a person looking for information about a specific career/job and a person who is working in that specific career/job. Though Informational interviews can be casual or formal, there are a few prescribed steps for the applicant to take for a successful meeting.

Questions (this is only a guide):

  1. What are other commonly used titles for this or similar positions?
  2. What type of work is performed daily? Weekly? Monthly? Annually?
  3. Is the work typically routine or does it vary significantly on a daily basis?
  4. What degree or certification do employers seek? What are the educational programs?
  5. What type of experience do employers seek?
  6. Are there ways to obtain this experience prior to working in the field?
  7. Do applicants need additional experience besides educational get into the field?
  8. Are there “key” terms to include in a resume/ cover letter when applying in the field?
  9. What are the typical settings people in this type of work can expect?
  10. What are the key personal characteristics for success in this field?
  11. What are some related occupations?
  12. What opportunities for advancement exist?
  13. Do organizations typically offer internships in this field?
  14. What demands and frustrations typically accompany this type of work?
  15. What would indicators signal the ability to be successful in this work?
  16. What types of technology are used in this field?
  17. What types of publications would list job openings in this field?
  18. What are the most satisfying and/or rewarding aspects of working in this field?
  19. What are the greatest pressures, strains or anxieties in this field? Major job responsibilities? Toughest problems and decisions? Dissatisfying aspects of this work and is this typical of the field?
  20. Who are others who may be valuable sources of information in this field?