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Informational Interview
Informational interviews provide an opportunity to discuss a jobs characteristics with someone who is already doing the job. Informational interviews are meetings between a person looking for information about a specific career/job and a person who is working in that specific career/job. Though Informational interviews can be casual or formal, there are a few prescribed steps for the applicant to take for a successful meeting.
- Contact the person to request a meeting, explaining exactly what is needed.
- Be respectful of the person’s time. This person is discussing the career/job as a courtesy not as a requirement and will be taking time from their schedule to meet.
- If possible set-up a lunch meeting and buy the lunch.
- Request a tour of the area to get a feel for the business.
- Be prepared with specific questions and forward those questions before the meeting. People are most helpful when they know what is being requested.
- Meet in person whenever possible. People are more likely to help when they can attach a name to a face.
- Follow up with contacts, thanking them for their assistance and keeping them updated on future plans, if they are interested.
Questions (this is only a guide):
- What are other commonly used titles for this or similar positions?
- What type of work is performed daily? Weekly? Monthly? Annually?
- Is the work typically routine or does it vary significantly on a daily basis?
- What degree or certification do employers seek? What are the educational programs?
- What type of experience do employers seek?
- Are there ways to obtain this experience prior to working in the field?
- Do applicants need additional experience besides educational get into the field?
- Are there “key” terms to include in a resume/ cover letter when applying in the field?
- What are the typical settings people in this type of work can expect?
- What are the key personal characteristics for success in this field?
- What are some related occupations?
- What opportunities for advancement exist?
- Do organizations typically offer internships in this field?
- What demands and frustrations typically accompany this type of work?
- What would indicators signal the ability to be successful in this work?
- What types of technology are used in this field?
- What types of publications would list job openings in this field?
- What are the most satisfying and/or rewarding aspects of working in this field?
- What are the greatest pressures, strains or anxieties in this field? Major job responsibilities? Toughest problems and decisions? Dissatisfying aspects of this work and is this typical of the field?
- Who are others who may be valuable sources of information in this field?