Maricopa Community Colleges

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Career Exploration

Interest Assessments

Why use interest assessments? Often we are not sure of the direction of our career. We may have many interests and can not decide between them, or we may have none that we are aware of and need help identifying them. In either case, using the interest assessment will help identify and narrow career choices. People who work in a career they find interesting or are passionate about, are more likely to be successful. This is a benefit to both employee and employer since it is costly to change jobs in both seniority and training time.

For more information about the various Interest Assessments contact MCCD individual college Career Centers and/or Counseling Services.

The following are good interest assessment sites. Follow the directions on each site.

Helpful Websites

Additional web-sites that may assist in the career investigation are:

Identify and Assess Skill

Once a career has been identified, skills assessment should be conducted to ensure the minimum qualification have been met. (This is also a way to begin the process of building a resume).