MCCCD MAT Executive Council Meeting

Date: January 25, 2000

Time: 2:00pm

Location: District Office - District Baird Room #415


I. Call to Order and Introductions

Attendance - not available at this time

II. Approval of Minutes - approved as presented

III. Guest - unknown

IV. Officer Reports

  1. President - Ann Barrett  - Regi Munro sat in place of Ann Barrett
  2. President-Elect - none -
  3. Past President - Sharon Blanton -
  4. Treasurer - Dee Jacobs -
  5. Secretary - none -
  6. Cluster I Representative - Chrystle Hall -
  7. Cluster II Representative - Emily Weinacker -
  8. Cluster III Representative - Mary Lou Mosley -
  9. Cluster IV Representative - Patti Johnson -
  10. Member at Large - none -
  11. Member at Large - Sue Tavakoli -


V. MAT Committee Reports

  1. Grievance/Collaborative Resolution - Sharon Blanton -
  2. Nominating/Awards - Ann Barrett -
  3. Professional Growth - Emma Walters - $131,000.00 of total $280,000.00 spent for
    professional growth. Sabbaticals: 5 have been approved, all
  4. Dialog with the Chancellor - Emily Weinaker-
  5. Resources/By-Laws - Emma Walters -
  6. Activities - ? -
  7. Meet and Confer - Ann Barrett -

VI. District Committee Reports

  1. Financial Advisory Council - Ann Barrett -
  2. Employee Benefits Advisory Committee - Sue Tavakoli/Regi Munro - Regi reported on the parcing benefits EBAC proposal.
    1. Phil Randolf proposed the option of going to state system as proposed
      by the legislature. If EBAC is recognized officially, the board will not be able to ignore the suggestions of the committee. It is recommended that the employee groups
      propose the role of EBAC. Proposal to be modeled after Common
      Policy Group Hoped to be limited to health care.
    2. Board approved one year of the five year plan. Blue Cross is the provider for the next year.
    3. Discussion considered the benefits of making EBAC "official", Diane Johns is the Chair of
      EBAC. The two reps from each employee groups can vote. HR cannot vote. Benefits must be defined clearly in order for this to be made official.
  3. Women's Leadership Group/American Association of Women in Community Colleges - ? -

VII. Old Business

  1. MAT Executive Council Positions

    The following MAT Execs positions are

    President Elect
    These Positions are open and needed for the remainder of the year. Treasurer position was thought to be necessary for the candidate to be a campus fiscal officer.

VIII. New Business


IX. Unit Reports

  1. CGCC
  2. Dist
  3. EMCC
  4. GCC
  5. GWCC
  6. MCC
  7. PC
  8. PVCC
  9. RSCC
  10. SCC
  11. SMCC

X. Adjournment

Minutes submitted by Tim Keefe

Responsible for Content: Sharon Blanton

Responsible for HTML: Sharon Blanton

Last Modified on 2/22/00