Review / Recommendations/ Statistics Committee
End of Year Report
Committee Membership:
Jody LaBenz (Chair), Raul Monreal, Angie Montano, Janet Langley, Sue Tavakoli, Jule Kuhn, 
Shirley Green 


Committee Responsibilities:	
This Committee serves the Collaborative Deliberations Committee in providing research, analysis and 
recommendations concerning meet & confer negotiations and policy language changes.


Funding:	None


Accomplishments/ Goals:
This committee worked with the Collaborative Deliberations team and served on the Employee Alliance 
initiative as MAT representatives.  


This committee also provided the recommendations for changes in the Employee Language within the 
policy manual and actually met with the CEC representatives on employee language in place of the 
Collaborative Deliberations Committee.  
Recommendations for Next Year:
Although the Employee Alliance was a good concept and was well received by Governing Board members, 
MAT will want to seriously consider its involvement in future years.