Professional Growth Committee
1997-98 Year-End Report

Committee Membership:
Mary Lou Mosley, PVC	Chair	
Emma Walters, SCC
Jule Kuhn, GWC
Barbara Messio, MCC

Committee Responsibilities:
In January, the MAT Professional Growth budget was increased by $50,000.
				1997-98		January 98
	Activity/Tuition	$120,000	+ $50,000
	Sabbaticals		  88,000
	Degree Stipends		   7,000
Funding Allocations:
Recommendations for Next Year:



MAT Professional Growth / 1998-99


Committee Co-Chairs	    Phone	FAX		Responsibility
	Emma Walters, SCC	423-6220	423-6055	Activity/Tuition
	Mary Lou Mosley, PVC	493-2770	493-2978	Sabbaticals/Degree Stipends
	Jule Kuhn, GWC		392-5040	392-5345
	Angie Montano, SMC	243-8124	243-8199
	Shirley Green, PVC	493-2760	493-2983


Professional Growth Forms


Activity: Send 8 copies to Emma Walters by the first Wednesday of the month. Must submit before attending activity but not more than 2 months prior.
Tuition: Send 8 copies to Emma Walters by the first Wednesday of the month. Anytime before the class ends.
Sabbatical: Send 8 copies to Mary Lou Mosley by:

June 1 for sabbaticals starting the following January 1. December 1 for sabbaticals starting the following July 1.

Degree Stipend: October. Unit reps send an A1 to Mary Lou Mosley with names, degrees, and dates degrees will be awarded during the current fiscal year.

Professional Growth Budget

  1996-97 1997-98 1998-99
Activity/Tuition $120,000 $120,000 $163,000
Sabbaticals 88,000 88,000 95,000
Degree Stipends 7,000 7,000 7,000
Budget Increase   +$50,000  
  $215,000 $265,000 $265,000

The fiscal budget for activity/tuition and sabbaticals is divided in half reserving one-half for the second six-month period. The maximum total award per person for activity/tuition is $950.

If all sabbatical money is not awarded, it is rolled over into the Activity/Tuition area. However, money is not transferred from Activity/Tuition to Sabbaticals.

The Degree Stipend award is $700 for a degree received in the current fiscal year. A MAT member can receive a stipend for up to two degrees.