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MAT Exec. Council Mtg. Minutes Archive 96/97 Image

Maricopa County Community College District
MAT Executive Council Meeting
September 11, 1996, 9:30 AM
District Office, Maricopa Room

Members Present:
	Mary Lou Mosley, PVC		Emma Walters, SC
	Sharon Blanton, SC		Kent Duffy, CGCC
	Alberto Sanchez, GCC		Sue Starrfield, SMC
	Sue Tavokoli, DO		Maridel Chase, GWC
	Jim Moore, PC			Henrietta Harris, SMC
	Patti Johnson, CGCC		Bruce Dickson, MCC

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Sue Starrfield at 
9:35 a.m.

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of the July 10 and August 14 minutes were 
approved with the note that the August 14 minutes had a revision in the VISIONS 
The VISIONS committee is no longer in existence.  There is no specific money 
set aside for future VISIONS projects.  VISIONS is on hiatus for now.  As you 
are all aware, many folks across the District have been involved in "VISIONS 
like" training during the last year, having an opportunity to cross-train or at 
least to try out another job as part of the APOLLO Project.
There may be a time in the future where there will be career development 
opportunities throughout the district that will be similar to the VISIONS 
projects.  These will probably be related to the changes occurring due to 
APOLLO.  Donna Schober has assumed a new position, Director of Employee and 
Organizational Learning.  She is beginning to re-examine the roles of two 
units:  Employee Development and Training Services, in light of all of the 
changes associated with the APOLLO Project and other organizational change 
initiatives.  One staff member is currently working on an Employee portfolio 
piece which will be piloted as part of the Learner-Centered System 
implementation.  Donna is co-chairing, with Naomi Story, a one-year planning 
effort to develop an employee renewal initiative.  (This is just in the 
beginning phase and could help us make decisions about the VISIONS program.  
The Strategic Conversation on Sept. 10 has this as its topic.)

Election of President-Elect
We still have no candidate for this office.  The problem appears to be that 
most MAT members feel that they do not have the time to add this job to what 
they are already doing.  Faculty and PSA get release time for their 
district-wide president, MAT gets no release time or dollars for secretarial 
support.  This will need to be addressed in the Meet & Confer process for the 
97-98 year.  Secretarial support is the most critical need, but a OYO to 
replace the MAT president for the year is also a possibility to request.  It 
was also suggested that we might look at alternatives such as having 2 people 
serve as co-presidents.  Sue Starrfield will be in touch with one person who 
has expressed some interest in serving as president-elect.

Committee Appointments
	a. Meet and Confer Chair-Sue Starrfield
	   Member of the committee are Bruce Dickson, Gail Mee (who will be 
	   asked to stay on until the money issues are settled), Patti
	   Johnson, Henrietta Harris, Sue Tavakoli (Cluster I) and Alberto
	   Sanchez (for at least one meeting)
	   Until Nov. 1 the committee will be looking at money issues
	   Sue Starrfield will be in contact with the committee members to set
	   meeting dates.
	b. LCS Steering Committee Representative-Jim Moore, PC
	   Renee Rodgers-Barstack submitted the report of the August 14 LCS
	   Steering Team.
	c. Review/Recommendations/Statistics Chair- Jody LaBenz, DO
	   Sue Tavakoli asked to be released from Rev./Rec. committee to 
	   allow her to serve on Meet & Confer.  Emma Walters will serve on 
	   the Review/Recommendations committee.
	   The committee will need input on issues about which they need to 
	   collect data, and will need to contact other employee groups for
	   information.  One suggestion was to look at numbers of MAT members
	   who are at the top of the scale; the size of the MAT group, and the
	   reclassification process.  They may also want to look at the wording
	   in section 11.2.8 concerning steps. 
	d. CFAC Representative- Ofelia Marin was approved by the council
	e. District Committees-recently established
	   Flextime- Sue Tavakoli MAT representative.  Ellen LaCorte will chair
		this committee looking at telecommuting, job sharing, 
		compressed work week, flextime, part-time or reduced work 
		schedules.  Input was asked from council members about these
		possibilities, and barriers to implementing each.
	   Accessibility -Sharon Blanton MAT rep.  This committee will look at
		using beepers, cell phones, call backs and compensation issues
		for those on call 24 hours/day. The first meeting will be 9/20.
	   Termination and Suspension- Kent Duffy is the MAT rep.  He explained
	 	that the committee has been disbanded due to legal issues.  If
		those issues are resolved they may meet again.  There appears
		to be a need for across the board policies and protections for
		all employee groups.
	   MAT Job Study- Jody LaBenz MAT rep.  Dr. Waechter is organizing this 
		committee to review the MAT study implementation.  The person
		on this committee will inform CEC on MAT views about the MAT
		study.  Two more reps from the colleges are needed to serve on
		this committee.  Sharon Blanton will contact Dianne Johns to
		get more information, including the intent of the committee.
		The Ad Hoc committee studying Fox Lawson's findings on the MAT
		study, prepared a response to Dr. Waechter on behalf of the
		MAT employee group.  In summary, they recommend not accepting 
		the May 1995 study by Fox Lawson.  It was based on MCCD job
		descriptions which are outdated, and used primarily a business 
		and industry focus rather that a college and university focus.
		The committee recommends that we move forward with joint 
		discussions concerning the future of the MAT organization and 
		other MCCD employee groups, since any change in MAT will 
		directly affect the others.  A beginning step would be to 
		update all job descriptions in the district. 
		Executive Council members were asked to respond to Jody by 9/16 
		if there are any concerns about the MAT Job Study response.

Treasurer's Report
	Treasurer Jody LaBenz submitted reports for July and August which were
	approved. (Quorum was not present to vote on July's report at the Aug.
	11 meeting)  Ending balance in all accounts as of 8/31/96 was $7863.23
	The Ad Hoc Finance Committee recommended that $15.00 in dues be 
	solicited from the MAT membership for the 1996/1997 fiscal year.  Dues 
	would be used for expenses of the council and for legal counsel 
	representation.  In addition, they would be used for activities to 
	benefit the district-wide MAT membership, for example:
	-District-wide retreat or seminar with instructional speaker 
	-Sponsorship of a management breakfast with instructional speaker
	-establishment of annual scholarship in the name of the MAT organiza-
	-potential use for secretarial help for MAT council needs
	The above recommendation to collect dues was approved.
	The work of the Ad Hoc Finance Committee was commended for putting in
	place a budget and financial procedures.  The members of the committee
	for this year are Patti Johnson, Chair, Bruce Dickson and Jody LaBenz.
	Bruce agreed to complete the yearly audit with Patti.

MAT District Committee Reports
   We did not have time for reports from all district committees.  The 
following report was submitted by Mary Lou Mosley:
	EBAC (Employee Benefits Advisory Committee) reviewed the compassionate 
	leave policy.  On July 1, 1995, $6,689 were donated and 2 employees 
	used $5870 that year.  On July 1, 1996, $17,064 were donated.  A com-
	mittee reviews requests and makes recommendations including the length 
	of funding, within the first 90 days of a catastrophic event.  Com-
	passionate Leave only covers a maximum of 1/3 of an individual's
	salary during the first 90 days after a catastrophic event when sick
	and vacation leave are gone.
	Employees may donate 2 hours during open enrollment.  If the fund is 
	depleted during the year and requests are submitted, the district will 
	send a message asking for additional donations.  An employee may donate
	an additional 22 hours in response to a special request.

Updating District MAT Distribution List
	The current list needs to be updated and the control person listed as
	President Sue Starrfield.  Sharon Blanton is currently trying to update
	the MAT web site lists of council members and committees.  Cookie Horne
	will replace Rene Rodgers-Barstack as GCC's rep, and Gail Mee will no
	longer be the Cluster 3 rep.  All changes in membership need to be 
	reconciled before we can appoint members-at-large.
Council Meeting Dates and Times
	Meetings will be in the Maricopa Room at District at 9:30 a.m. on:
	Sept. 11, Oct. 9, Nov. 13, Dec. 11, Jan. 8, Feb.12, March 12,
	April 9, May 14, and June 11.

Items for next meeting
	1. Approval of Ad Hoc Committee on Audit & Finance as standing 
	2. Vote on at-large members and President-Elect

Next meeting will be Oct. 9 at 9:30 a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m..

Respectfully submitted,
Maridel Chase

Please direct questions/comments to Sharon Blanton, Chair of the MAT Resources/Bylaws Committee.


Questions or Comments?
Contact Lorie O'Brien @ (480) 731-8924

Site Maintained by Nick Rouse
Last Updated August 3, 2003 9:10 PM