MAT Resources/By-Laws Committee
			      End of Year Report
				  June 1996

Committee membership:
Sharon Blanton (Chair), Maridel Chase, Bruce Dickson, Barbara Thelander

Committee responsibilities:
To ensure that the rules and regulations by which the MAT employees are 
represented within MCCCD properly and adequately reflect the needs, intent 
and objectives of this employee group.

To organize the previous years' MAT records so that consistent 
documentation may be maintained.

To create and distribute an informational publication concerning MAT 
organizational and Executive Council information.

To monitor the MAT Executive Council activities to ensure that the MAT 
employee group's by-laws are being followed.

To review, gather input, and modify the by-laws as needed.

(none needed)

Accomplishments/Goals This Year:
In September, the Council approved a motion to eliminate the By-Laws 
committee and to have the Resources committee continue to include 
monitoring of the By-Laws this year. The Purposes listed for the By-Laws 
Committee were moved to the Resources Committee list. The new name for the 
committee became Resources/By-Laws.

The Council approved a recommendation that MAT resouces not be published on 
paper but distributed via the Internet. Sharon Blanton designed and 
maintained the MAT website, posting monthly meeting agenda and minutes 
updates. During the Spring semester, the MAT homepage was accessed an 
average of 32 times per month.

Recommendations for Next Year:
The Committee recommends that the MAT website be continued.

The Committee recommends that the President-Elect serve on this committee 
since the by-laws state that it is the President-Elects duty to "act as the 
Parliamentarian for the executive Council and assure that all activities 
are conducted in accordance with the by-laws". See ARTICLE VI - MAT 
Executive Council Officers, Section 6 President-Elect for more information.

Return to June 12, 1996 Minutes