Nominations and Awards Year End Report
                        MAT Executive Council, 1995-6

        Susan Starrfield and Mary Lou Mosley served on the committee.  
Nominations were solicited for the four vacancies for cluster representatives.  
The positions were filled. Cluster I representative is Susan Starrfield, 
Cluster II Donna Preston, and Cluster IV Alberto Sanchez. Mary Lou Mosley has 
agreed to serve for one year as Cluster III representative.  However, no 
nominees were presented for President-Elect.  The nominations opened for the 
position in December.  As time passed, the position of President-Elect became 
the position for President. Several individuals expressed interest, but none 
became a candidate.  The MAT Executive Council has neither a President nor a 
President-Elect for the coming year. 

	Awards were made to individuals who served on Meet and Confer 1994-5 
and others on the MAT Executive Council who made outstanding contributions.  
The awards were in the form of a $20 student scholarship to the campus where 
the individual is employed.  The treasurer was to notify the individuals that 
the award had been made in their honor. Awards were given to Henrietta Harris, 
Renee Barstack-Rodgers, Nancy Markowski, Raul Monreal, Susan Starrfield, 
Alberto Sanchez, Barbara Thelander, and Sharon Blanton.  Mary Lou Mosley 
graciously declined saying that she and her school had been honored enough.  

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