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MAT Executive Council Meeting
December 13, 1995, 9:00 AM
District Office, Maricopa Room
Members Present
	Sharon Blanton, SCC		        Sue Tavakoli, DSSC
	Mary Lou Mosley, PVCC		Henrietta Harris, SMCC
	Maridel Chase, GWCC		    Cathy Urbanski, CGCC	
	Alberto Sanchez, GCC		    Renee Rodgers-Barstack, DSSC
	Cookie Horne, GCC		         Louise Gacioch, DSSC	
	Nancy Markowski, PVCC		Raul Monreal, PVCC
	Barbara Thelander, MCC		Bruce Dickson, MCC
	Raul Sandoval, PC		            Patti Johnson, CGCC
	Joe Ochap, EMCCC	

Call To Order 
President Harris called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. 

Approval of November 8, 1995 Minutes
Approval of minutes was moved (ASanchez), seconded (RMonreal), and passed.

MAT District Committee Reports
Chancellor's Financial Advisory Council, Henrietta Harris:
Leadership presentations addressing the current status of campuses and 
expectations for the next three years will be heard by CFAC on January 16 and 
17.  Ad hoc committees have been formed to address MCC's concern regarding 
tuition waivers and SCC's request for hold harmless provisions for 1996-97 due 
to construction problems.  Fund 2 monies will be available to campuses wishing 
to develop women soccer teams.

Council members expressed the opinion that serving on CFAC should be a high 
priority for MAT.  Increasing our representation on the council and selecting 
representatives with a good understanding of the district's financial processes 
should also be considered.

LCS Steering Committee, Renee Rodgers-Barstack:
  *  The LCS Steering Team is currently reviewing their role and 
     potential roles.
  *  The Tutoring Management System (TMS) will be installed at PVCC and RSCC 
     on December 19 and plans are to have it running by the first of the year. 
  *  Ken Pollock is now in the position of LCS Project Manager. Donna Schober 
     will be assuming Jan Baltzer's former position as Director of Employee and 
     Organizational Development.  Pat Honzay is Renewal Coordinator in charge    
     of Renewal Analysts and the LCS teams; Gary Nusbaum is Programming Manager  
     in charge of CASE Analysts; Cheryl Kubasch is the lead Organizational 
  *  An Apollo Summit meeting was held on November 21 to review the project to 
     date.  Members of the Summit meeting included:  WWaechter, RBleed, 
     RGlasper, BLandrum, LChristiansen, LThor, DSchober, KPollock, CClocksin, 
     CKubasch, PHonzay, JSchroder, BCureton, LBack.  Recommendations developed 
	*	Clarify boundaries of Apollo.
	*	Reach a decision regarding staying with the name "Apollo."
	*	Do everything possible to meet Oracle Government 
		Financials (OGF) deadlines/needs.
	*	Look for alternatives for the Oracle Office product.
	*	Move as quickly as possible toward self-sufficiency
		(transfer of knowledge from Oracle/Axiom consultants
		to MCCCD staff).
	*	Look for alternatives for the Oracle Human Resources
	*	Continue organizational analysis by defining a process 
		and set of guidelines that has district-wide implications
		but allows for individual campus cultural differences.
	*	Return the Business Area Experts (BAEs) to their campuses
		by August.
	*	Find creative ways to communicate effectively.
	*	Have a strategic plan for technology developed.
	*	Move forward with LCS; other parts of Apollo may need
		to be put on hold.
Organizational Analysis Team, Renee Rodgers-Barstack:
Maricopa must appropriately address the process of redefining the 
organizational structure of the district as a whole and/or individual colleges 
to reflect the way in which current student-related processes (registration, 
admissions, etc.) may be modified and new processes created.   Organizational 
analysis does not necessarily mean that the organization will change, but it 
requires an understanding of the needs of the organization and a determination 
of what changes might be required in order to support the new goals and 
activities supported by LCS.

The Team has been establishing a list of philosophical organizing criteria 
which will guide the development of the LCS recommendations.  The Team will 
work in conjunction with the LCS Steering Team and LCS Project Teams.

It was suggested that one way of involving more faculty members in the Apollo 
project would be to utilize their talents in the technology area.  Faculty are 
often given reassigned time to assist with special projects and/or to serve on 

Women's Leadership Group, Barb Thelander:
Women's Leadership Group toured the Heard Museum on November 16.  They are 
still looking for a co-chair to assist Nonie Bernard.  Future activities will 
be announced over the electronic mail system.  Barb will prepare a one page 
report for the January meeting on the history of the group, how it got started, 
what their focus is now, and future goals.

Employee Benefits Advisory Committee, Mary Lou Mosley:
The Advisory Committee recommended to the Board last year that the refund held 
in reserve by Cigna be put aside in a special fund to offset future premium 
increases.  Cigna will be refunding $2.3 million dollars this year which should 
offset Blue Cross Blue Shield increases for the next year or two.  New 
employees who take cash back from their benefits allowance receive it at the 50 
percent rate.  Other district employees receiving cash back are having that 
amount reduced 5 percent a year to reach that 50 percent point.  Next year they 
will be receiving cash back at the 80 percent rate.

MCCCD has one of the best sick and vacation leave policies allowing us to 
grandfather more days than most other businesses.  It is hoped that Apollo will 
allow employees to go on-line and check their leave status on a regular basis.  
Until then it was suggested that everyone check their pay stubs for accuracy.  
The Committee will provide a one page report on how to compute leave in the 
April benefits package.

MAT Standing Committee Reports
Meet and Confer, Henrietta Harris:
The Meet and Confer Team met December 8 to set TQM Ground Rules.  They met 
December 13 to review the Ground Rules and the MAT salary recommendations that 
will be presented to the Board.  Another meeting date has been set for January 
9 at 9 a.m.  A motion was made (PJohnson) and seconded (SBlanton) to appoint 
and confirm the following people to serve as members of the 1996 Meet and 
Confer Team: 
	Henrietta Harris	President, MAT
	Sue Starrfield		Cluster I Representative 	
	Bruce Dickson		Cluster II Representative
	Gail Mee		Cluster III Representative
	Patti Johnson		Cluster IV Representative
	Alberto Sanchez		Past President, MAT 	
	Nancy Markowski		Review and Recommendations Representative 
	Raul Monreal		Alternate
Motion carried.
Meet and Confer issues basically address two areas:  economics and language 
modification.  We need to address economics first and work at getting our 
timeline to match CFAC's timeline for recommendations to the Board.  Language 
modifications are not as critical at this point. 

MAT members will be polled to determine what issues will be taken to the table. 
 When and how we conduct the poll is still being finalized.  Our main concern 
is "what is important for the MAT membership at large?".  President Harris will 
send an all MAT employee  A-1 listing campus/cluster representatives and a 
deadline for submitting meet and confer items.  

Dr. Waechter has requested that the Meet and Confer Team meet with him monthly 
or quarterly.  The Team is proceeding with the meet and confer process this 

Nominating/Awards, Henrietta Harris:
Raul Monreal is willing to be considered for the MAT Executive Council 
President-Elect position if the Council and membership will support his 
candidacy.  The issue was tabled until the January meeting when Sue Starrfield, 
Chairperson of Nominating/Awards will be present. 

Professional Growth, Mary Lou Mosley:
This year there were more sabbatical requests (four) than money available.  
Sabbaticals are funded up to the maximum of step 1 of the recipient's grade 
level.  How to fund the recovery costs is a campus issue.  The Council may want 
to look at some case studies of how various campuses handle MAT Sabbaticals. 

The Professional Growth Committee is now receiving requests that will be funded 
from the January - June 1996 allocation.   Professional Growth forms are now 
available on the World Wide Web.  

MAT Other Committee Reports
Dialogue with the Chancellor, Raul Monreal:
As soon as the Chancellor returns, Raul will be meeting with him to set up 
dialogue dates. 

Resources/By-Laws, Sharon Blanton:
All of the information that previously was distributed in the MAT's Who's Who 
Publication is now available on the Internet's World Wide Web.  This resource 
provides you with the most current MAT Professional Growth forms, MAT Executive 
Council member contact information, and meeting minutes.  These materials are 
stored on a computer at Scottsdale Community College and are maintained by 
Sharon Blanton.  These materials may be accessed through a WWW browser that 
provides a Graphical User Interface.  Examples of these browsers include:  
America On Line, Prodigy, Mosaic, and Netscape.  Since the materials are 
specifically designed for the Netscape browser, Netscape would be the best 
application to use for viewing the documents.  The address (URL) of the MAT 
Home Page is:

Review/Recommendations/Statistics, Nancy Markowski: The Committee is working 
closely with the Meet and Confer Team.  They have a meeting scheduled in 

Treasurer's Report, Raul Monreal
The checking account balance as of November 8, 1995 was $2825.65. The savings 
account balance was $4665.00 for a total balance of $7490.65.  The only change 
since then has been membership dues and dividend deposits to the checking 
account of $154.31 for a balance of $2979.96.

It was moved (MLMosley) and seconded (ASanchez) that the Council establish an 
ad hoc committee on finances to determine if we shall continue to collect MAT 
dues; if we should establish a litigation fund; and what expenditures we should 
consider?  Motion carried.

Raul Monreal will chair an Ad Hoc Finance Committee consisting of RBarstack, 
RRamono/CUbanski, ASanchez, BDickson.   The Committee will come with 
recommendations to the February MAT Executive Council meeting.

Old Business
District Employee Group, Henrietta Harris:
President Harris will initiate a meeting with the other employee groups prior 
to the January MAT Executive Council meeting. 

Things To Accomplish Prior To Next Council Meeting
	*	President Harris will find out if a new group has replaced the 
		district affirmative action committee.  If it has, Joe Ochap 
		would serve as MAT's representative. 
	*	BThelander will do a Women's Leadership Group Report.
	*	President Harris will send an A-1 to all MAT employees 
		regarding meet and confer issues.
	*	SStarrfield will prepare ballot/election for President-Elect
	*	SBlanton will send out written instructions on how to access
		MAT's home page on the Internet's World Wide Web.
	*	RMonreal will set a meeting date for the Ad Hoc Finance 
	*	RRBarstack will modify the MAT Executive Council distribution
	*	President Harris will initiate a meeting with all employee
		group officers.
	*	ASanchez will send RRBarstack the trilogy of Apollo papers 
		from Dr. De los Santos' office.

College Liaison Reports
	CGCC  	MAT will be using some of their campus dues to provide a 
		Christmas luncheon for MAT members.
	DSSC	MAT and PSA have adopted a single mother with five 
		children for Christmas and are collecting donations. 
	EMCCC 	Along with the rest of the employees MAT is 
		participating in the campus Angel Tree.
	GWCC 	MAT members are being polled regarding meet and confer 
	GCC	GCC MAT members support the use of MAT finances for 
		litigation and meet and confer;  they are raising money 
		for student scholarships and are contributing to the 
		college Christmas efforts; campus MAT officers are 
		meeting with other campus employee group officers.
	MCC 	Employee group leadership is involved with the campus 
		institutional effectiveness efforts; MAT is involved in 
		similar Christmas projects.
	PVCC 	MAT, in conjunction with other campus employee groups, is 
		adopting a family (a PVCC student family) for 
		Christmas;  they sent holiday cards of appreciation to other 
		staff members; they support the use of MAT money for legal 
		fees; a Christmas luncheon is planned.
	SCC 	They are participating in similar holiday activities on 
		campus; their January meeting will include a 
		presentation on sexual harassment.
	SMCC 	They are participating in Adopt-A-Family efforts along with the 
		rest of the college; meet once a month during the lunch hour; 
		the campus is opening up a position internally within SMCC 
		for MAT members to apply as a replacement for a MAT member 
		going on sabbatical.

The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Renee Rodgers-Barstack

	*	more representation on CFAC -- start process earlier; have 
		representatives with financial understanding and experience 
		represent MAT
	*	analyze how many MAT members have been upgraded or 
		received promotions since July 1, 1995  to serve on Apollo
	*	meet and confer timelines:  between April and July the 
		96-97 MAT president will have discussed salary/economic 
		issues and know what we want by August to be in sync with 
		the budget process; between January and June the president 
		should spend time on policy issues;  need to be clear with our 
		process for 97-98 as well.


Questions or Comments?
Contact Lorie O'Brien @ (480) 731-8924

Site Maintained by Nick Rouse
Last Updated August 3, 2003 9:10 PM