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MAT Executive Council Meeting
November 8, 1995
District Office, Maricopa Room
Attendees: Maridel Chase, Ruth Romano, Sharon Blanton, Gail Mee, Sue 
Starrfield, Ofelia Marin, Raul Monreal, Nancy Markowski, Patti Johnson, Alberto 
Sanchez, Cookie Horne, Bruce Dickson, Louise Gacioch, Sue Tavakoli, Carol 
Wilson, Raul Sandoval, Henrietta Harris

  I.   Call to order - Meeting was called to order by President Harris at 9:35 

 II.   Minutes of the 9/13/95 and 10/11/95 Exec. Council meetings were 

III.   Bruce Dickson made a motion to add Old Business and New Business to each 
       month's agenda.  Approved.   They will be included after the Treasurer's 
For this month, the Council asked to move Old Business to an earlier spot on 
the agenda since discussion of the meeting with Dr. Waechter needed to be dealt 
with first.  Approved.

 IV.   Old Business:
       Dialogue with Dr. Waechter:  President Henrietta Harris reported that 
       she had not heard back from Dr. Waechter after sending him the Meet & 
       Confer Team's response to his presentation at the 10/11/95 Council 
       Meeting.  Discussion ensued concerning what our next move should be. 
       There was consensus that the minutes of that meeting should be forwarded  
       to Dr. Waechter, the Governing Board, and the Chancellor, along with a 
       request for a response from Dr. Waechter.  The text of the memo to be 
       sent is as follows:

	The MAT Executive Council met in regular session on Nov. 8, 1995.  Much 
	of our discussion focused on Meet and Confer.  Since we have not  
	received a response from you to our October 24th A-1 memo, we are 
	recapping the process to date.
	1.  You requested a meeting on October 11th with the MAT Executive 
	    Council to talk about Meet and Confer.  At that time, we agreed to
	    discuss your desire to eliminate the Meet and Confer Process and to
	    get back to you. (See attached minutes from the Oct. MAT Exec.
	    Council meeting)
	2.  Our group responded to you on Oct. 24th via A-1 with the results of 
	    our discussion.  (See attached A-1 memo.)
	3.  As we communicated in our response to you, we wish to proceed
	    according to the adopted 1994-1997 MAT Policy Manual.  Please 
	    contact us as soon as possible so that we can establish a timeline.
        Henrietta Harris, MAT President
       There was consensus that the Meet and Confer team should meet in the        
near future to plan this year's process.  H. Harris will set up a        

	A. Affirmative Action, Joe Ochap - No Report
	B. Chancellor's Financial Advisory Council, Henrietta Harris
	   It was determined that the CFAC minutes that go to all MAT employees 
	   are abbreviated; Henrietta will send full minutes to all Council 
 	   Henrietta has served on a committee to examine reallocation of Fund
	   2 moneys.  She campaigned strongly to hold off for the present time
	   on the reallocation, because there would be too great an impact on
	   some campuses (SCC, SMC, and PC).  The committee has been disbanded 
	   for the 96-97 year.
	   There are 15 meetings scheduled between now and June when the final
	   budget will be established.  Rufus Glasper and his team are doing a
	   good job in making the process understandable.
	C. Common Policies, Henrietta Harris
	   This group's name has been changed to Alliance of MCCD Employee 
	   Groups.  They have not met.
	D. Human Resources Committee, Harvey Blanshan
	   Harvey was absent-no report.  It was requested that Harvey determine
	   what has occurred with this committee, and report at the Dec. 
	   council meeting.
	E. LCS Steering Committee, Renee Barstack- Absent, no report.
	   It was reported that there have been some personnel changes in the
	   APOLLO project - John Shroeder will be assuming some 
	   responsibilities; Ken Pollack is serving a one-year term as director 
	   of LCS.  
	   The timetable for APOLLO appears to be somewhat behind projected
	   dates.  A question was asked about the impact of the decision by the
	   Gov. Board to provide additional dollars for APOLLO - will that help
	   to speed up the process to projected dates?
	   It was reported that there are concerns among the faculty that only 
	   managerial/administrative/technological needs are being addressed, 
	   but not the instructional needs for technology.  It was suggested 
 	   that these concerns should be brought up by H. Harris in the
	   Alliance of MCCD Employees Groups Committee.
	F. Organizational Analysis Team, Renee Barstack - Absent, no report.
	   There were several questions concerning the purpose of this 
	   committee.  Renee Barstack will be asked to send minutes of the Team
	   to all Council members so that we have a better idea what the team
	   is all about.
	   After some discussion, it was decided to invite Bill Cureton and
	   John Shroeder to attend our December meeting to explain the 
	   objectives and purposes of each team, and the current timeline for
	   APOLLO. Lists of the committees should be made available to the 
	   Council.  It was suggested that if the above information could be in 
	   the form of a spreadsheet, and be disseminated to Council members 
	   before the meeting, it would be helpful.  The presentation should be 
	   about 45 minutes, with 15 additional minutes for questions from the 
	   Council.  It was stressed that the APOLLO teams need to know that
	   the MAT Council is interested in and concerned about the process, 
	   and ready to disseminate information to the MAT members.
	G. QQEC, Cheryl Kubasch - Absent, no report.
	H. Women's Leadership Group, Barbara Thelander - No report.

 VI.  MAT Standing Committee Reports

	A. Grievance, Harvey Blanshan - There have been no grievances filed.
	B. Meet and Confer, Henrietta Harris - No report
	C. Nominating/Awards, Sue Starrfield
	   Sue reported that we still have no nominees for MAT President-
	   Elect.  The work load as MAT President, with no money for help; no
	   release time to get the work done; no place (office) to call our
	   own; may be a contributing factor in few members being willing to
	   take on the job.  Sue will research to see just what help the other
	   employee groups receive, and what release time their district and      
	   campus officers get.
	   PRESIDENT ELECT!  Let Sue know names as soon as possible.
	D. Professional Growth, Mary Lou Mosley
	   Maridel Chase reported for the committee - 
	   Sabbatical Proposals for the July 1, 1996 - Dec. 31, 1996 time are
	   due in Mary Lou's office no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 1.
	   NO FAXES WILL BE ACCEPTED.  Applications received after that time 
	   will not be considered.
	   Prof. Growth Due Date:  Requests are due in Mary Lou's office no 
	   later than 5 p.m. on the 1st Wed. of each month.  Anyone who faxes
	   their application to Mary Lou must also fax a copy to each committee
	   member by the 5 p.m. deadline.  Originals must then be sent to Mary
	   Degree Stipend- The following people have notified Mary Lou that 
	   they plan to finish a degree during the July 1, 1995 - June 30, 1996
	   period.  Anyone who plans to complete a degree who has not notified 
	   Mary Lou must send and A-1 with the degree and date info ASAP to
	   be considered in this year.
		Marie Parker	Susan High	Cheryl Crutcher
		Linda Collins	Chris Zagar	Gail Mee
	 	Irene Ruiz
	A. Ad hoc Committee on MAT Management Study- Issue is still lingering
	   What impact is the Organizational Study going to have?  There 
	   appear to many conflicting studies going on.  H. Harris will contact
	   Dr. Waechter to determine the status of the study.  It is our under-
	   standing that it has been tabled.
	B. Dialogue with The Chancellor- The Chancellor is away on a leave of
	   absence until January.  When a response comes from Dr. Waechter
	   concerning Meet & Confer, a determination will be made as to whether
	   or not to add the topic to the dialogue with Dr. Elsner.
	C. Resources/By-Laws- Sharon Blanton explained that she has put all of
	   the MAT information of World Wide Web under the SCC Home Page.  The
	   address to access it is: HTTP://WWW.SC.MARICOPA.EDU/MCCD/MAT/MAT. 
	   Included are professional growth forms which can be downloaded; MAT
	   By-Laws; Phone and FAX lists of Council members; and minutes of the
	   Council meetings.  She has added a counter to determine how many 
	   members access the information. Sharon recommended adding the WHO'S 
	   WHO to the WWW, rather than printing it in hard copy.  The Council 
	   approved.  Sharon will send out specific directions for accessing 
	   the information through WWW to all members, CEC, Gov. Bd. members, 
	   and other employee groups so that they have access to our 
	D. Review/Recommendations/Statistics, Nancy Markowski - No Report

VIII.  Treasurer's Report, Raul Monreal
	Raul presented an annual report covering the July 1, 1994-June 30, 1995
	time period. 
		Total expenditures were $1,629. 
		Balances as of Sept. 10, 1995:
			Checking	$2836.57
			Savings		$4629.99
			Total           $7466.56
	Raul made several recommendations.  It was decided that they should be
	taken to the campuses for discussion, with comments returned to Raul
	before the Dec. meeting (12/13).  At that meeting, the Council will
	revisit the recommendations.
	1. Planning must drive budget instead of budget driving planning.
	2. Create contingency base budget to address critical issues that
	   impact all MAT employees
	3. Set aside $1000 to retain an attorney during Meet and Confer 
	4. Set aside funds to conduct study(ies) needed.
	5. Set aside $1000 to provide training in negotiations for the Meet and
	   Confer team.
	6. Set aside funds to conduct an all day retreat for the incoming
	   MAT Council members.
	7. Evaluate the need to pay dues.
	Discussion: Do we ever contribute to food banks or charities as MAT
	   #5 - One thousand dollars won't provide enough money to bring in
	   outside consultants.  We do have some in-house trainers who are
	   certified negotiators; it might be best (less expensive) to use our
	   own people.  We should locate all MAT members who are trained nego-
	   tiators.  Perhaps those people should form our Meet & Confer team.
	   #7 - Dues - How much?  What should they be used for?  Communicate
	   with members exactly how dues $$ are spent.
     The Treasurer's Report was approved.

	1. H. Harris will contact committee members who are absent and request
	   that they send written reports if they are going to be absent.
	2. S. Blanton will correspond with membership about WWW access.
	3. H. Harris will notify council when a reply is received from Dr.
	4. Campus Reps. will take treasurer's recommendations to their groups
	   for discussion and will get responses to Raul before Dec. meeting.
	5. H. Harris will call Ad Hoc Mgt. Study group together to plan for
	   Meet & Confer issues.

	PVC - Nancy Markowski reported that they have a council representing
	all employee groups and there is good dialogue happening.  GCC and PC
	also meet with all groups.
	PC - Raul Sandoval - A Feb. MAT Retreat is being planned with an 
	emphasis on technology and the impact it will have on members; taking
	a proactive approach.
	CG - Ruth Romano - Meetings are now divided with half the time on
	informational/business items; the other half with professional growth
	activities such as speakers.


NEXT MEETING: DECEMBER 13, 9:00 AM (To allow for APOLLO presentation)
	      District Office, Maricopa Room

Respectfully Submitted,
Maridel Chase


Questions or Comments?
Contact Lorie O'Brien @ (480) 731-8924

Site Maintained by Nick Rouse
Last Updated August 3, 2003 9:10 PM