Maricopa Community Colleges  PSY292

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 3-25-1997

PSY292  1999 Fall - 9999

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

Psychology of Altered States of Consciousness

Examines phenomena and history of altered states of consciousness. Surveys scientific principles, methods and applications in altered states research. Reviews current psychological research in topics related to sensory deprivation, daydreaming, meditation, hypnosis, sleep and dreams, and the effects of drugs.

Prerequisites: PSY101 with grade of "C" or better, or permission of Instructor.


Course Attribute(s):

General Education Designation: Social and Behavioral Sciences - [SB]

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


PSY292   19976-99999

Psychology of Altered States of Consciousness



Identify and describe the various concepts of consciousness.(I)


Identify and describe the major characteristics associated with the concept of consciousness.(I)


Review, compare and contrast the variety of arguments used to describe and explain the concept of consciousness.(I)


Identify , compare, and contrast the concept and nature of unconscious processes from the dynamic and cognitive points of view.(II)


Review arguments for and against the concept of repressed memories.(II)


Identify and descriibe the methods and limitations of introspection.(III)


Review arguments for and against anti-introspectionist theory.(III)


Use the findings of current research to describe and explain the physiology of consciousness.(IV)


Identify and describe the major concepts, definitions, and explanations associated with altered states of consciousness.(V)


Describe the concept of daydreaming and review current research relating to the phenomenon.(VI)


Using current research, describe the concept of sensory deprivation and summarize the implications of its effects.(VI)


Define hypnosis and trace its historical development.(VII)


Identify and describe the correlates of susceptibility to hypnosis and explain how susceptibility may be measured.(VII)


Identify and review the major theories used to explain the hypnotic state.(VII)


Describe the clinical applications of hypnosis.(VII)


Describe the meditative state including the aims of meditation and the major meditation techniques.(VIII)


Use current research findings to identify and describe the short and long term effects of meditation.(VIII)


Identify and describe the major components and functions of the Sleep State and review the effects of sleep deprivation on human performance. (IX)


Describe dream sleep and review theories and research related todream sleep.(X)


Identify major types of consciousness altering drugs and describe their effects on neurotransmission.(XI)


Review current research related to the use and effects of consciousness altering drugs on human behavior.(XI)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


PSY292   19976-99999

Psychology of Altered States of Consciousness


I. Concept and Nature of Consciousness

A. Concepts of Consciousness

1. Consciousness as Awareness

2. Consciousness as Wakefulness

3. Consciousness as Executive Control System

4. Consciousness and Cognitive Psychology

B. Characteristics and Aspects of Consciousness

C. The Mind-Body Problem

D. Other-Minds Problem

1. Arguments From Analogy

2. Arguments From Behavioral Criteria

3. Hypothetical-Deductive Theory Argument

II. The Concept and Nature of Unconscious Processes

A. Contrast of the Dynamic and Cognitive Unconscious

B. Repressed Memories

1. Arguments For

2. Arguments Against

III. Can we Know Our Own Minds?

A. Introspection I

1. Methods

2. Limitations

B. Introspection II

1. Anti-intrspectionist Theory: Nisbett and Wilson

2. Relevant Research

3. Conclusions and Implications

IV. Physiology of Consciousness

A. Neural Transmission

1. Brain Areas

2. Measurement

B. The Brain and Consciousness

1. Split-brain Research/Implications

2. Dissociations

V. Altered State of Consciousness

A. Introduction

1. Operational Definitions

2. Identification

3. Variety

B. Concepts of Altered States of Consciousness(ASC)

1. What ASCs Are and Are Not

2. What Produces ASC

3. Changes Associated with ASC

4. Attention/Perception/Fantasy

VI. Daydreaming and the Stream of Consciousness

A. Dimensions of Waking Thought

B. Research on Daydreaming

C. Sensory Deprivation

1. History

2. Experimental Procedures

3. Recent Research

4. Implications

VII. Hypnotic State

A. Defining Hypnosis

B. Historical Development

C. Correlates of Susceptibility

1. Cognitive

2. Personality

3. Physiological

D. Measurement of Susceptibility

E. Theories of Hypnotic State

1. Trance or Altered State Theories

2. Social-Psychological Approaches

3. Task Motivation Theory

F. Clinical Applications of Hypnosis

G. Age Regression and Hypermnesia

VIII. Meditative State

A. Definition and Aims

B. Techniques of Meditation

C. Research on the Effects of Meditation

1. Short-term

2. Long-term

D. Biofeedback and the "Alpha" State: Electronic Meditation

IX. Sleep State I

A. Sleep Cycles/Stages of Sleep

B. Correlates of REM and NREM Sleep

1. Physiological

2. Behavioral

C. Functions of Sleep

D. Sleep Deprivation/Human Performance Studies

E. Sleep Disorders

X. Sleep State II: Dream Sleep

A. Phenomenology and Influences on Content

B. Lucid Dreaming and Dream Recall

C. Theories and Research

1. Psychoanalytic

2. Neurophysiological Theory

3. Cognitive Theory

XI. Consciousness Altering Drugs

A. Pharmacology of Neurotransmission

B. Basic Pharmacological Concepts

C. Drug Classifications

1. Sedative-Hypnotic

2. Behavioral Stimulants and Convulsants

3. Narcotic Analgesics

4. Psychedelics and Hallucinogens

D. Drug Research


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