Maricopa Community Colleges  PHI234AA   19946-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 3-22-1994

PHI234AA  1994 Fall – 1995 Summer II

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad


The ideas of Plato and Socrates and their impact on western thought.

Prerequisites: None.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


PHI234AA  1994 Fall – 1995 Summer II




Define given philosophical terms used by Plato. (I)


Describe and critically analyze Plato's theory of the soul. (I)


Describe and critically analyze Plato's theory of knowledge. (I)


Describe and critically analyze Plato's theory of reality. (I)


Describe and critically analyze Plato's theory of ethics. (I)


Describe and critically analyze Plato's theory of creation. (I)


Describe typical problems that arise in the development of theories of knowledge and reality. (II)


Describe and critically analyze Plato's dialectical method of argument. (II)


Select and describe a problem in Plato that has application to modern humanity. (II)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


PHI234AA  1994 Fall – 1995 Summer II



I. Plato: His Life and Influences

A. Plato's theory of the soul

1. Phaedo

2. Republic

3. Phaedrus

4. Timaeus

B. Plato's theory of knowledge

1. Meno

2. Republic

C. Plato's theory of reality

1. Republic

2. Timaes

D. Plato's ethics: Republic

E. Plato's theory of creation: Timaeus

II. Problems and Applications

A. The problem of universals

B. The mind-body problem

C. Arguments for immortality

D. Material or non-material reality

E. Objective or subjective goodness

F. Plato's influence on other philosophers


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