Maricopa Community Colleges  THE220   19936-19985 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 03/23/93
THE220 19936-19985 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Modern Drama
Analysis of dramatic literature studied within political, historical, and cultural contexts and examined from the perspective of the playwright's structure and style. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
THE220   19936-19985 Modern Drama
1. Identify modern movements in theatre. (I)
2. Contrast drama with other literary forms. (I)
3. Identify dramatic conventions. (I,II)
4. Describe the influence of major philosophical, psychological, social, political and arthistic movements on realism and non-realism in modern theatre. (I,II,III,IV,V)
5. Cite representative examples of plays and playwrights in modern theatre. (I,II,III,IV,V)
6. Define terms and principles that are integral to dramatic analysis. (I,II,III,IV,V)
7. Apply critical and alalytical skills by preparing and revising oral and written discourse on topics central to modern play study. (I,II, III,IV,V)
8. Contrast the experience of play viewing with the experience of play reading. (I,II,III,IV,V)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
THE220   19936-19985 Modern Drama
    I. Analysis of Dramatic Structure
        A. Dramatic Action and Plot Construction
        B. Dramatic Characters
        C. Dramatic Language
        D. Environment and Given Circumstances
        E. Theme and Idea
      II. Origins and Nature of Theatre
          A. Analysis and Review of Tragedy and Comedy
          B. The Poetics and Neo-Classicism
          C. Reading and Writing about Theatre and Drama
        III. Roots and Early Development of Realism
            A. Political, Social, and Cultural Influences
            B. Plays and Playwrights
          IV. Roots and Development of Anti-Realistic Movements
              A. Political, Social, and Culltural Influences
              B. Plays and Playwrights
            V. Contemporary Theatre Movements
                A. Political, Social, and Cultural Influences
                B. Plays and Playwrights
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