Maricopa Community Colleges  MCO120   19886-20005 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  04/08/80  
MCO120      19886-20005 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Media and Society
A study of the roles of communication media and their economical and psychological impact upon society. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
MCO120   19886-20005 Media and Society
1. Discuss implications for new technology in mass communications. (I)
2. Contrast and compare the functions of popular and elite cultures. (II)
3. Contrast and compare international media systems and world-press theories. (III)
4. Discuss global village, examining its contribution to world understanding and ultimate peace. (IV)
5. Define and evaluate news elements in relation to the news-selection process. (V)
6. Analyze ethical press problems. (VI)
7. Evaluate the significance of comic strips and political cartoons as part of the media. (VII)
8. Assess the concept of "form over content" as it exists in today's society . (VIII)
9. Discuss the change, growth and needs of the public relations industry in society today. (IX)
10. Differentiate between the form, content and consequence of mass media. (X)
11. Describe the marketing techniques used to produce a best seller. (XI)
12. Discuss rationale for specialization of magazines. (XII)
13. Describe the impact of radio on the American public. (XIII)
14. Trace the history of popular music in a mediated society. (XIV)
15. Discuss the effects of television on society. (XV)
16. Trace the history of the cinema industry and identify its effect on society today. (XVI)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
MCO120   19886-20005 Media and Society
    I. Future of Mass Communications
        A. New Technologies
          1. Cable TV
          2. Fiber Optics
          3. Satellite Communication (Direct Broadcast Satellite)
          4. Two-way TV & Computers
          5. Electronic Mail
          6. Printing Technology
        B. Home Video: The Consumer Takes Control
          1. VCR
          2. Laser Discs
      II. Popular Culture
          A. What is it?
          B. Icons and Artifacts
          C. Events
            1. Concerts
            2. Sports
          D. Cults of Popular Culture
        III. International Media Systems
            A. World Press Theories
              1. Authoritarian
              2. Libertarian
              3. Soviet Communist
            B. United Kingdom
            C. Canadian
            D. Netherlands
            E. USSR
            F. Mexico
            G. Japan
            H. India
          IV. Global Village
            V. News Function
                A. Define--What is it? Who decides?
                  1. News Elements
                  2. Human Interest News
                  3. Good News vs. Bad News
                  4. Soft News vs. Hard News
                B. Journalism Types
                  1. Yellow
                  2. Objective
                  3. New
                  4. Supermarket
                C. Wire Services
                D. Broadcast News
                E. Newspapers
              VI. Law and Ethics
                  A. Libel
                  B. Privacy
                  C. Free Press / Fair Trial Dilemma
                  D. Shield Laws
                  E. Ethical Problems
                VII. Comics and Syndicated Materials
                  VIII. Advertising
                      A. Form over Content
                      B. Criticism
                      C. Regulations
                    IX. Public Relations
                        A. What is it?
                        B. Growth and Change of the Industry
                      X. Mass Communications
                          A. Form: Mass Media
                          B. Content: Mass Message
                          C. Consequence: Mass Culture
                          D. Mediated Reality
                        XI. Books: The Permanent Press/Printed Word of Our Society
                            A. Gutenberg Legacy
                            B. Print to Civilization
                            C. Paperbacks
                            D. Marketing Best Sellers
                            E. Instant Books
                          XII. Magazines
                              A. Specialization
                              B. News
                              C. Nude Journalism
                              D. Photojournalism
                            XIII. Radio
                                A. The Golden Age
                                B. Formats
                                C. Ratings
                              XIV. Music
                                  A. Phonograph
                                  B. Popular Music 40's
                                  C. Birth of Rock
                                  D. New Music
                                  E. Country
                                  F. Charts
                                XV. Television
                                    A. Networks
                                    B. Programming function
                                    C. Ratings
                                    D. Genres of Prime Time
                                    E. Daytime TV
                                    F. Children's Programming
                                  XVI. Cinema
                                      A. History
                                        1. Sound
                                        2. Star System
                                        3. Golden Years
                                        4. Reaction to TV
                                        5. Jaws Summer
                                      B. As a Popular Art
                                      C. Ratings: Regulation of Self
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