Maricopa Community Colleges  RDG091   19956-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 12-13-2011

RDG091  2012 Fall - 9999

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

College Preparatory Reading

Designed to improve basic reading and study skills, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Recommended to all students whose placement test scores indicate a need for reading instruction.

Prerequisites: Appropriate reading placement test score, or grade of “C” or better in RDG081.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


RDG091  2012 Fall - 9999

College Preparatory Reading


1.         Apply word meaning strategies to maximize comprehension. (I)

2.         Identify and explain main ideas, central points, and supporting details in paragraphs, short readings, and essays. (II)

3.         Determine true fact and false fact (appearance of fact) from opinion in selected readings and Internet websites. (III)

4.         Infer meanings from context in various types of reading selections. (IV)

5.         Apply reading study strategies to textbooks. (V)

6.         Identify and use organizational patterns and transitions as aids to comprehension in short readings and essays. (VI)

7.         Integrate information from graphics and text to understand, analyze, and evaluate written materials. (VII)

8.         Summarize and critique single and multi-paragraph readings. (VIII)

9.         Recognize the use of language devices and evaluative elements in various reading materials. (IX)

10.       Gather, evaluate, and utilize internet and database resources. (X)

11.       Utilize skimming and scanning techniques and vary reading rate according to the reading purpose. (XI)


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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


RDG091  2012 Fall - 9999

College Preparatory Reading


I.          Word Meaning Strategies

            A.        Context clues

            B.        Structural analysis

            C.        Dictionary

II.        Main Ideas and Supporting Details

            A.        Stated or implied main idea

            B.        Major and minor supporting details

III.       Characteristics of Fact and Opinion

            A.        True facts

            B.        False facts (appearance of fact)

            C.        Valid opinions

            D.        Invalid opinions

IV.       Infer Meaning

            A.        Reading materials

                        1.         Textbooks

                        2.         Internet Sources

                        3.         Trade Books

                        4.         Library databases Articles

                        5.         Other

V.        Reading Study Strategy Models

            A.        Survey, question, read, recite, review (SQ3R) and/or similar strategies

            B.        Mapping/Clustering

            C.        Outlining

            D.        Highlighting

VI.       Organizational Patterns

            A.        Patterns

                        1.         Process

                        2.         Compare/Contrast

                        3.         Classification

                        4.         Cause/Effect

                        5.         Problem/Solution

                        6.         Others

            B.        Transitions

VII.     Graphics

            A.        Within textbooks

            B.        Within Internet

            C.        Within database articles

            D.        Within other texts

VIII.    Single and Multi-Paragraph Readings

            A.        Summarizing

            B.        Annotating

            C.        Paraphrasing

            D.        Other

IX.       Language Devices

            A.        Tone

            B.        Purpose

            C.        Audience

            D.        Figurative language

            E.         Accuracy

            F.         Point of view

            G.        Bias

            H.        Propaganda

X.        Technology

            A.        Types

                        1.         Internet readings

                        2.         Database readings

            B.        Skills

                        1.         Gather

                        2.         Evaluate

                        3.         Utilize

XI.       Reading Purpose

            A.        Skimming

            B.        Scanning

            C.        Vary reading rate


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