Maricopa Community Colleges

Official Course Description:  MCCCD Approval:  6-26-2012

MUC145  2012 Summer II - 9999

LEC  2.0 Credit(s)  2.0 Period(s)  2.0 Load  Occ


Recording Studio Business Operations

Operation, scope, roles and responsibilities in the commercial music production process. Focuses on the business aspects and daily management of the professional recording studio. Includes strategies for project management, client service, marketing, equipment acquisition, staffing and employment.

Prerequisites: None.


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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:



MUC145  2012 Summer II - 9999

Recording Studio Business Operations


1.         Compare and contrast types of recording studios. (I)

2.         Describe roles and responsibilities of recording studio staff. (I)

3.         Explain the principles of acoustically correct studio design. (II)

4.         Evaluate space-planning needs for client soft spaces. (III, IV)

5.         Appraise legal issues for professional recording studios. (V)

6.         Examine copyright ownership and publishing percentage splits. (IV, V)

7.         Outline Project Management skills required for successful recording studio operations. (VI)

8.         Discuss the business systems required to run a professional recording studio. (VII)

9.         Recommend process for staff training and continuing professional education. (VII)

10.       Identify career skills needed to obtain and maintain employment in a professional recording studio. (VIII, IX)


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MCCCD Official Course Outline:



MUC145  2012 Summer II - 9999

Recording Studio Business Operations


I.          Studio Types

            A.        Corporate-Owned

            B.        Independent

            C.        Home Project Studio

II.        Staff Roles and Responsibilities

            A.        Assistant

            B.        Studio Manager

                        1.         Project Management

                        2.         Schedule

                        3.         Space and Equipment rental

            C.        Customer Service

            D.        Marketing & Promotion

            E.         Billing

            F.         Engineering Staff

                        1.         First

                        2.         Second

                        3.         Interns

            G.        Maintenance Technician

III.       Studio Design

            A.        Acoustics

            B.        Rooms- control, live, isolation

            C.        Other client spaces

IV.       Equipment

            A.        Acquisition Strategy

            B.        Vendor relations

            C.        Maintenance and Repair

            D.        Insurance

V.        Business Management

            A.        Industry Research and Competitive Analysis

            B.        Marketing, Promotion and Sales

            C.        Pricing Strategy

            D.        Client Services

            E.         Business Systems

                        1.         Accounting

                        2.         Scheduling

                        3.         Computer software and hardware

            F.         Staffing

VI.       Legal Issues

            A.        Contracts

            B.        Copyright Ownership and Publishing Splits

            C.        Liability

VII.     Training

VIII.    Employment Arrangements

            A.        Internships

            B.        Self-Employed Contract

            C.        Independent Projects

            D.        Employee

            E.         Owner

IX.       Career Skills

            A.        Communication

            B.        Critical Thinking

            C.        Networking

            D.        Professionalism


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