Maricopa Community Colleges  MHL241   19942-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval:  12-8-2009

MHL241  2010 Spring – 2010 Fall

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

Music History and Literature to 1750

In-depth study of music history from the primitive era through the Baroque period.

Prerequisites or Corequisites: MTC155 and MTC156, or permission of Instructor.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


MHL241  2010 Spring – 2010 Fall

Music History and Literature to 1750



List by cultural group the primary vocal genres. (I)


List by cultural group the primary instrumental traditions. (I)


Identify prominent music theoreticians prior to the middle ages. (II)


Describe early notational practices. (II)


List the rhythmic modes. (II)


List the ecclesiastical pitch modes. (II)


Identify aurally the various types of chant. (II)


List two important melismatic change developments. (II)


List the five parts of the Ordinary Mass. (II)


List three parts contained in the Proper of the Mass. (II)


Compare the polyphonic styles of the conductus and motet. (III)


Describe the developmental stages of music notation during the Ars Nova. (IV)


Identify prominent vocal forms, including Rondeaux, Virelai, and Ballade. (IV)


List five important contributions of the Burgundian school. (IV)


List five important contributions of the English school. (IV)


List prominent composers from the Netherlands school and their contributions. (V)


Compare the sacred music from the Franco-Flemish tradition and the reformation period. (V)


Cite composers, genres, and stylistic changes in Italian vocal music during the early Renaissance. (VI)


Describe the genre of opera during the early Italian Baroque period. (VII)


Compare vocal genres and their development through the Baroque period. (VII)


Define the usage of the Chorales in Baroque vocal and instrumental composition. (VIII)


List major characteristics and the development of the concerto. (VIII)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


MHL241  2010 Spring – 2010 Fall

Music History and Literature to 1750

I. Music of the Pre-Christian Era

A. Major culture/linguistic groups

1. Mesopotamia

2. Egypt

3. Hebrew traditions

4. Indus valley

5. Greece

B. Chant forms

C. Instrumental music

II. Monophonic Music to the Middle Ages

A. Cantillation traditions

1. Music theory

2. Notation

3. Modes (Pitches)

4. Rhythmic modes

5. Gregorian chant and the mass

6. Secular music

III. Early Polyphonic Music

A. Parallel organum

B. Free organum

C. Notre Dame school

D. Conductus

E. Motet

IV. Music of the Ars Nova

A. Notation

1. Pitch

2. Rhythm

3. Meter

4. Musica ficta

B. Vocal forms

1. Motet

2. Ballade

3. Rondeaux

C. French influences

1. Instrumental music

2. Troubadours and trouveres

D. Italian influences

1. Madrigal

2. Caccia

E. Burgundian school

1. Chanson

2. Dufay

3. Binchois

F. English school

1. Dunstable

2. Madrigals

3. Minstrels

V. Musical Traditions of the Netherlands

A. Flemish contributions

1. Vocal part music

2. Contrapuntal organization

3. Expressive text painting

B. Franco-flemish contributions

1. Development of schools or styles through teaching

2. Emphasis on chordal styles

C. Reformation

1. Chorale style

2. Development of instruments

3. Music printing

VI. Music of the Renaissance

A. Italian contributions

1. Vocal madrigal

B. Roman church music

1. Harmonic practice

2. Contrapuntal organization

C. Venetian school

1. Instrumental forms

VII. Early Baroque

A. Opera

B. Vocal music

C. Instrumental music

VIII. Development of Baroque Styles

A. Vocal music

1. Cantata

2. Oratorio

3. Opera

4. Chorale

B. Instrumental music

1. Concerto grosso

2. Concerto

3. Suite

4. Trio sonata

C. Organ/Keyboard


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