Maricopa Community Colleges  SOC212   20046-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 5-25-2004

SOC212  2004 Fall – 2011 Summer II

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

Gender and Society

A study of the way culture shapes and defines the positions and roles of both men and women in society. Major emphasis on social conditions which may lead to a broadening of gender roles and a reduction of gender role stereotypes and the implications of these changes. Open to both men and women.

Prerequisites: None.


Course Attribute(s):

General Education Designation: Cultural Diversity - [C]

General Education Designation: Social and Behavioral Sciences - [SB]

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


SOC212  2004 Fall – 2011 Summer II

Gender and Society



Distinguish between sex and gender. (I)


Differentiate between sociological perspectives and those of psychology and biology. (I)


Describe the types of bias women encounter in their pursuit of science. (II)


Describe how women can provide an alternative perspective to the traditional androcentric approach in science. (II)


Summarize the history of the women's movement and its influence in contemporary society. (III)


Describe the various aspects and goals of the men's movement. (III)


Describe the innate biological differences in men and women and consequences for behavior. (IV)


Describe the supporting and opposing views of sociobiology. (IV)


Describe various techniques for measuring gender role identity. (V)


Identify and describe common myths about gender differences. (V)


Critically evaluate major psychological theories about gender development. (V)


Describe the concepts of status, norms, and roles as they apply to male and female behavior. (VI)


Provide cross-cultural examples of variability among cultures in expectations of male and female roles. (VII)


Describe types of interpersonal power and strategies in male-female relationships. (VIII)


Provide examples of gender differences of in verbal and nonverbal communication. (IX)


Describe the effects of sexism in education and in the workplace. (X)


Describe how religion has traditionally defined women's role and changes which are occurring in contemporary society. (XI)


Describe the historical barriers to women's participation in politics and changes which are occurring in contemporary society. (XI)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


SOC212  2004 Fall – 2011 Summer II

Gender and Society


I. Overview

A. Social perspectives on gender

B. Theories of gender

II. Women in science

A. Scientific bias

1. Researcher bias

2. Publication bias

B. Feminist-oriented social science

III. Social movements and genders

A. Women's movement

B. Men's movement

IV. Biological perspective

A. Politics of biology

B. Prenatal events and sex differences

C. Chromosomal abnormalities

D. Hormones and behavior

E. Sociobiology

V. Psychological perspective

A. Gender role identity

1. Definitions

2. Measurement issues

B. Myths and realities of gender differences

C. Psychological theories of gender role acquisition

D. Critique of psychological theories

VI. Social roles perspective

A. Gender norms

B. Socialization agents

C. Race and ethnicity

VII. Anthropological perspective

A. Culture

B. Gender roles in other countries

C. Cultural universals and gender roles

D. Cross-cultural examples

VIII. Interpersonal power

A. Romantic relationships and power

B. Sexual victimization

C. Battered women

IX. Verbal and nonverbal communication

A. Linguistic sexism

B. Body language

X. Education and work

A. Educational system and gender

1. Sexual harassment on campus

2. Employment opportunities in education

B. The workplace and gender

1. Sexual harassment in the workplace

2. Pay equity

XI. Religion and politics

A. Religion and gender roles

1. Historical overviews

2. Contemporary roles of women

B. Politics of gender

1. Women in politics

2. Historical overview

3. Political barriers and women politicians


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