Maricopa Community Colleges  POS223

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 5-24-1994

POS223  2002 Fall - 9999

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

Civil Rights

The historic background and current status of major civil rights issues in the United States.

Prerequisites: None.


Course Attribute(s):

General Education Designation: Cultural Diversity - [C]

General Education Designation: Social and Behavioral Sciences - [SB]

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


POS223  2002 Fall - 9999

Civil Rights



Describe the historical struggle for equal rights among women and minorities in the USA. (I)


Describe the pressures on the judicial system to broaden the interpretation of "acceptable level of friction," particularly in regard to gender, racial, and ethnic issues. (II)


Connect the civil rights movement, including women and minorities, with the trend toward the "nationalization of rights and cite the court cases that support this trend. (III)


Explain the breadth and scope of the contemporary interpretation of the rights of the accused, and be able to cite the appropriate court cases that support this interpretation. (IV)


Cite the various court cases that make up the body of the law that supports the present interpretation of "separation of church and state." (V)


Analyze the social pressures that cause a continuous review of the "separation of church and state." (V)


Describe the major court cases that have set precedents for the interpretation of the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, press, and assembly. (VI)


Cite the court cases that support the present interpretation of the body of law regarding race and gender discrimination. (VII)


Describe the social pressures that cause a continuous review of the interpretation of what is discrimination regarding race and gender issues. (VII)


Explain the issues and cite court cases that relate to reapportionment, particularly those having to do with minority representation. (VII)


Trace the court cases that relate to the present body of law with regard to voting rights, particularly those having to do with the "white primary," the grandfather clauses, poll taxes, and literacy tests. (VIII)


Explain the contemporary interpretation of privacy rights as they pertain to homosexual and gender issues and cite the appropriate court cases that support this interpretation. (IX)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


POS223  2002 Fall - 9999

Civil Rights


I. Historical perspective

A. Sources of the concept

B. Origin of the Bill of Rights

C. Women's equal rights movement

D. The civil rights movement for minorities

II. The courts and civil rights

A. Limitations on judicial power to protect rights

1. The concept of "freedom from insult" (or similar issue)

2. What is an acceptable level of friction in society?

B. Judicial remedies for violations of rights

C. Sources of interference with personal freedom

III. Civil rights in the federal system

A. The "nationalization" of rights

B. Erosion of a broad interpretation of the "reserved powers" of states

IV. The rights of the accused

A. Notice of what conduct is made criminal

B. Searches and seizures

C. Bail

D. Self-incrimination

E. Confessions

F. The right to counsel

G. The right to a fair hearing

H. Double jeopardy

I. Trial by jury

J. Guilty pleas

K. Cruel and unusual punishments

L. Habeas corpus

M. Rights of prisoners

V. Religious freedom

A. Separation of church and state

B. The free exercise of religion

VI. Freedom of speech, press, and assembly

A. The scope of the rights

B. Previous restraints

C. Internal security

D. Maintenance of public peace and order

E. Obscenity and pornography

VII. Equal protection of the law

A. The traditional view

B. The new equal protection

C. The "three-tiered" approach

D. Race discrimination

E. Gender discrimination

F. Apportionment of legislative seats and the equal protection clause

VIII. The right to vote

A. Constitutional limitations on state voting regulations

B. Federal legislation to protect voting rights

IX. The right to privacy

A. The right to bear or not bear a child

B. Sexual relationships


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