Maricopa Community Colleges  ENH252   19986-19986 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  12/08/98  
ENH252      19986-19986 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
World Mythology
Comparative analysis of legends, myths, and creation stories to discover the wealth of knowledge, values, inventions, ideas, and religions of the world community. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
ENH252   19986-19986 World Mythology
1. Define and use terminology commonly used to discuss mythology. (I, II, III, IV)
2. Describe relationships,, common themes, similar characteristics, and significant symbols in creation myths. (I, II, III, IV)
3. Identify and describe the sources of mythology. (II)
4. Identify major interpreters of mythology, and describe their contributions to the field. (II)
5. Identify and locate geographic regions such as North America, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America that have been wellsprings of mythology. (II, III, IV)
6. Analyze myths, using the characteristics that identify heroes and heroines. (II, III, IV)
7. Analyze myths, using characteristics that illustrate history, sociology, and/or politics from a global perspective. (II, II, IV)
8. Describe events and characters from mythology that have been used as sources of inspiration in literature, art, and music. (II, III, IV)
9. Describe the nature of comparative study of myths, especially as a form of anthropological research. (II, III, IV)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
ENH252   19986-19986 World Mythology
    I. Characteristics of All Myths
        A. Narrative form
        B. Timeless setting
        C. Supernatural power as participants
        D. Truth and knowledge
        E. Believed intensely and emotionally
        F. Explanation of the mundane and sacred worlds
        G. Basis of self-knowledge
        H. Source of shard knowledge, expression, beliefs and values of a particular community
      II. Interpretations of Mythology
          A. Nature myth
          B. Proto-science myth
          C. Verbal part of ritual
          D. Charter myth
          E. Twentieth-century views of myth
        III. Common Themes of Cosmological Myth
            A. Creation of the universe
            B. Origin of the gods and goddesses
            C. Origin of humankind
            D. A Golden Age
            E. Appearance of death
            F. Places of reward and punishment
          IV. Myths from Around the World
              A. Greece and Rome
              B. The Middle East
              C. Northern Europe (Norse)
              D. The British Isles
              E. The Far East and the Pacific Islands
              F. Africa
              G. Central and South America
              H. North America
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