Maricopa Community Colleges  GPH113   19956-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 3-28-1995

GPH113  1995 Fall – 2000 Summer II

LAB  1.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  2.4 Load  Acad

Introduction to Physical Geography Lab

Laboratory experience in support of GPH112.

Prerequisites or Corequisites: GPH112.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


GPH113  1995 Fall – 2000 Summer II

Introduction to Physical Geography Lab



Read topographic maps, and identify map symbols. (I)


Draw and interpret contours. (I)


Identify and describe flood recurrence intervals and floodplain mapping. (II)


Explain the relationship between the earth and sun in regard to the length of days, seasons, time, and solar energy. (III)


Make time zone calculations. (III)


List the classification of minerals, and identify common minerals. (IV)


Describe the classification of rocks, and identify common rocks. (V)


Identify basic landform types and state the basic geologic theory behind the development of landforms through the use of landform models and aerial photographs. (VI)


Explain the basic facts about temperature profiles and how the atmosphere is heated and cooled. (VII)


Describe the importance of air pressure and some of its effects. (VII)


Calculate humidity indexes. (VII)


Draw and read weather maps. (VII)


Calculate wind chill and heat indexes. (VII)


Classify climates and explain their world distribution. (VIII)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


GPH113  1995 Fall – 2000 Summer II

Introduction to Physical Geography Lab


I. Topographic Maps

II. Floodplain, Mapping, and Flood Recurrence Intervals

III. Earth/Sun Relationship and Time

A. Rotation

B. Revolution

C. Inclination of the earth's axis

D. Length of day

E. Seasons

F. Special lines

1. Equator

2. Tropics

3. Circles

G. Time

1. Apparent solar time

2. Mean solar time

3. Sidereal time

4. Local time

5. Standard time and time zones

6. Time problems

IV. Minerals

A. Identification

B. Classification

V. Rocks

A. Identification

B. Classification

VI. Landforms

A. Models

B. Aerial photographs

VII. Weather

A. Air pressure

B. Air temperature

C. Humidity

D. Weather maps

E. Wind chill and heat index

VIII. World-Wide Climate Classification


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