Maricopa Community Colleges  FON142AB   19956-99999 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/27/95
FON142AB 19956-99999 L+L 3 Credit(s) 5 Period(s)
Applied Food Principles
Exploration and applications of scientific principles involved in food preparation; experiences with basic cooking methods; emphasis on the rationale of cooking techniques. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
FON142AB   19956-99999 Applied Food Principles
1. Explain the rationale involved in food preparation techniques. (I-XIX)
2. Identify the composition and properties of basic foods. (I, III- XIX)
3. Use standard measuring and cooking utensils. (III-XIX)
4. Prepare foods from a standard recipe. (III-XIX)
5. Employ necessary sanitary precautions for the selection, preparation, and serving of wholesome and safe foods. (II-XIX)
6. Plan and serve nutritionally balanced, attractive meals. (I, III)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
FON142AB   19956-99999 Applied Food Principles
    I. Nutrient Retention in Foods
        A. Selection
        B. Storage
        C. Preparation
        D. Serving
      II. Preserving the Safety of Foods
          A. Foodborne illness
          B. Prevention of foodborne illness
            1. Selection and storage precautions
            2. Preparation and serving precautions
            3. Personal hygiene
            4. Sanitary work area and equipment
        III. General Principles of Food Preparation
            A. Personal safety
            B. Use and care of appliances
            C. Use and care of utensils
              1. Pots and pans
              2. Baking pans
              3. Cooking tools
              4. Cutlery
              5. Measuring equipment and conversion calculations
            D. Heat transfer
              1. Microwaves
              2. Conduction
              3. Convection
              4. Radiation
            E. Cooking media
              1. Air
              2. Water
              3. Steam
              4. Fat
            F. Meal planning
              1. Meal patterns
              2. Basic food groups
              3. Importance of variety and moderation
          IV. Fats in Foods
              A. Chemical and physical properties of fats and oils
              B. Rancidity of fats
              C. Preparation of foods with fat
                1. Principles and preparation emulsions
                2. Preparation of salad dressings
            V. Fruits
                A. Composition and structure of fruits
                  1. Osmosis and diffusion
                  2. Enzymatic browning
                B. Preparing and serving raw fruits
                C. Cooking fruits
                D. Selecting and storing fruits
              VI. Vegetables
                  A. Composition and physical properties
                    1. Pigments in vegetables
                    2. Effects of cooking techniques on vegetable pigments
                    3. Enzymatic browning
                  B. Selection and storage of vegetables
                  C. Preparation techniques
                  D. Salads
                    1. Preparation
                    2. Use at or for meals
                  E. Accents and garnishes
                VII. Grains and Cereals
                    A. Composition of grains
                    B. Cereal varieties
                    C. Types of starch and flour
                    D. Effects of preparation techniques on starch
                    E. Effects of sugar and/or acid on starch
                    F. Preparation techniques
                  VIII. Batters and Doughs
                      A. Leavening agents and their modes of action
                        1. Air
                        2. Steam
                        3. Baking soda and powders
                        4. Biological leavening agents
                      B. Quick breads
                        1. Effect of egg on volume
                        2. Preparation techniques
                        3. Desirable characteristics of finished product
                        4. Undesirable characteristics of the finished product and the probable causes
                      C. Pastry and pies
                        1. Preparation techniques
                        2. Desirable characteristics
                        3. Undesirable characteristics and the probable causes
                        4. Pie fillings
                      D. Shortened cakes and cookies
                        1. Ingredients and their functions
                        2. Function of air in shortened cakes
                        3. Methods of mixing
                        4. Baking techniques
                        5. Desirable characteristics
                        6. Undesirable characteristics and their probable causes
                      E. Yeast-leavened products
                        1. Mixing and kneading techniques
                        2. Fermentation
                        3. Punching down
                        4. Scaling, shaping, and proofing doughs
                    IX. Gelatin
                        A. Sources and composition of gelatin
                        B. Principles of gelatinization
                          1. Effects of food constituents
                          2. Effects of preparation techniques
                        C. Preparation of gelatin products
                      X. Milk and Cheese
                          A. Composition of milk and cheeses
                          B. Types of milk
                          C. Processing and types of cheeses
                          D. Effects of preparation techniques on milk products
                            1. Heat
                            2. Rennin
                          E. Milk and cheese in food preparation
                        XI. Eggs
                            A. Structure and composition
                            B. Grading
                            C. Principles of preparation with eggs
                          XII. Foams
                              A. Physical properties of foams
                              B. Types of foams
                                1. Egg white
                                2. Whipped cream and milk
                                3. Gelatin
                              C. Principles of foam formation
                              D. Preparation of foams
                            XIII. Sponge and Chiffon Cakes
                                A. Role of ingredients
                                B. Principles and preparation of sponge cakes
                                C. Principles and preparation of angel cakes
                              XIV. Meats
                                  A. Meat composition
                                  B. Grading
                                  C. Characteristics of meat animals
                                  D. Retail cuts
                                  E. Principles and preparation of meats
                                    1. Effect of heat on meat
                                    2. Dry heat cookery
                                    3. Roasting
                                    4. Broiling
                                    5. Frying
                                    6. Moist heat cooking
                                    7. Principles or marinades and proteolytic enzymes
                                    8. Storage and sanitary quality
                                XV. Poultry and Seafood
                                    A. Market forms
                                    B. Inspection and grading
                                    C. Storage and sanitary quality
                                    D. Principles of preparation
                                  XVI. Principles and Preparation of Plant Proteins
                                      A. Nuts and seeds
                                      B. Legumes
                                      C. Soy protein products
                                    XVII. Principles and Preparation of Soups and Casseroles
                                        A. Stock
                                        B. Soups
                                        C. Casseroles
                                      XVIII. Principles and Preparation of Desserts and Beverages
                                          A. Sugar solutions, candy, and frostings
                                          B. Frozen desserts
                                          C. Juices
                                          D. Cocoa, tea, coffee
                                        XIX. Preserving Foods
                                            A. Principles and preparation of jams, jellies, and preserves
                                            B. Principles and preparation of canning, freezing, and drying
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