Maricopa Community Colleges  EDU222   19956-20015 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  02/28/95
EDU222      19956-20015 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Introduction to Special Education
Study of special education with emphasis on factors relating to current practices, identification, and characteristics of emotionally handicapped, learning disabled, and mentally handicapped children. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
EDU222   19956-20015 Introduction to Special Education
1. Trace the history of society's treatment of exceptional children and youth. (I)
2. Compare the educational considerations for the mentally retarded with those for the emotional disabled. (II, IV)
3. Describe the service delivery models for the learning disabled. (III)
4. Identify the factors to consider in defining and diagnosing of learning disabilities. (III)
5. Compare examples of language disorders and speech disorders. (V)
6. Analyze the controversy over using American Sign Language (ASL) in the classroom. (VI)
7. Contrast positions in the issue of Braille literacy for all children who are blind. (VII)
8. Compare neurological impairment, musculoskeletal condition, congenital malformation, and other physical disabilities identified under special education. (VIII)
9. Identify qualities educators need for working with gifted students. (IX)
10. Describe a family systems approach with a social support systems approach for communication among parents and professionals. (X)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
EDU222   19956-20015 Introduction to Special Education
    I. Educational Definition of Exceptional Children and Youths
        A. Prevalence and trends in legislation and litigation
        B. Philosophical roots: deinstitutionalization
        C. Early intervention
        D. Transition to independent living
      II. Mental Retardation: Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
          A. Educational considerations
          B. Causes and assessment
        III. Learning Disabilities: Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
            A. Educational considerations
            B. Causes and assessment
          IV. Emotional or Behavioral Disorders: Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
              A. Educational considerations
              B. Causes and assessment
            V. Communication Disorders: Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
                A. Educational considerations
                B. Language and speech: causes and assessment
              VI. Hearing Impairment: Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
                  A. Educational considerations
                  B. Anatomy and physiology of the ear
                  C. Causes and assessment
                  D. Amercian Sign Language in the classroom
                VII. Visual Impairment: Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
                    A. Educational considerations
                    B. Causes and assessment
                  VIII. Physical Impairment: Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
                      A. Neurological, musculoskeletal, congenital, accidents
                      B. Educational considerations
                    IX. Giftedness: Physical, Psychological, and Behavioral Characteristics
                        A. Attitudes toward and neglect of the gifted
                        B. Educational considerations
                        C. Placement in general classrooms
                      X. Parents and Families of Child with a Disability
                          A. Effects on the family
                          B. Family involvement in treatment
                          C. Social support systems
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