Maricopa Community Colleges  ECH176   19956-20062 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 05/23/95
ECH176 19956-20062 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Child Development
Study of human development from the prenatal stage through adolescence, with consideration of parent and adult roles in the life experience of the growing child. Independent observation of children and personal investigation into child-related issues in contemporary America. Prerequisites: None.
Cross-References: CFS176
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
ECH176   19956-20062 Child Development
1. Describe developmental psychology. (I)
2. Describe the basic research methods used by developmental psychologists and apply them in observing children. (II)
3. Describe the theories of Freud, Erikson, Skinner and Watson, Piaget, Maslow, and Lorenz as they relate to child development. (III)
4. Apply the theories of child development in the analysis of case studies and when interacting with children. (III)
5. Describe the mechanisms of conception, heredity, and the birth process, and their effects on the developing child. (IV)
6. Summarize the significant developments that occur in each of the threeperiods of prenatal development: the period of the ovum, the period of the embryo, and the period of the fetus. (IV)
7. Describe and contrast the physical and motor development of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, middle school children, and adolescents. (V-IX)
8. Describe and contrast the cognitive development of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, middle school children, and adolescents. (V-IX)
9. Describe and contrast the social and emotional development of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, middle school children, and adolescents. (V-IX)
10. Identify the characteristics of the different stages of language development in children. (X)
11. Describe the elements, stages, and theories of language acquisition. (X)
12. Describe the different types of exceptionality in children and the special needs that result. (XI)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
ECH176   19956-20062 Child Development
    I. Development
        A. Developmental psychology
          1. Definition of "development"
          2. Tasks of developmental psychology
          3. Recurring theories
        B. Developmental processes
          1. Growth
          2. Maturation
          3. Learning
        C. History of child development
          1. Early child mortality rate
          2. Early child psychologists
      II. Methods of studying children
          A. Naturalistic
          B. Experimental
          C. Longitudinal
          D. Cross-sectional
          E. Problems in psychological research
        III. Theories of child development
            A. Pspychoanalytic - Sigmund Freud
            B. Psychosocial - Erik Erikson
            C. Behaviorism - Skinner and Watson
            D. Cognitive approach - Jean Piaget
            E. Humanism - Abraham Maslow
            F. Ethnological approach - Lorenz
          IV. Prenatal development and birth
              A. Conception
              B. Prenatal development
                1. Period of the ovum
                2. Period of the embryo
                3. Period of the fetus
              C. Mechanisms of heredity
                1. Chromosomes and genes
                2. Genetic abnormalities
                3. Phenotypes, genotypes, and canolyahon
              D. Effects of prenatal environment
                1. Terotogens
                2. Critical period of development
                3. Maternal health
              E. Birth
                1. Three stages of birthing process
                2. Current methods of childbirth
                3. Problems during childbirth
            V. Infancy
                A. Physical development
                  1. Perceptions
                  2. Neonatal reflexes
                  3. Motor development
                B. Cognitive development: Piagetion theory
                C. Social-emotional development
                  1. Infant emotions
                  2. Attachment and bonding
              VI. Toddlerhood
                  A. Physical development between 12 and 36 months
                    1. Growth rates and direction
                    2. Motor develoment
                  B. Cognitive development: Piagetion theory
                  C. Social-emotional development
                    1. Toddler emotions
                    2. Attachment
                    3. Child's social environment
                    4. Social emitted on modeling by parents and others
                    5. Sex roles
                VII. Early childhood
                    A. Physical development between 3 and 6 years
                      1. Growth rates and direction
                      2. Motor development
                    B. Cognitive development
                      1. Piaget's preoperational stage
                      2. Effects of preschool
                    C. Social-emotional development
                      1. Child's social environment
                      2. Social imitation (models)
                      3. Sex roles
                  VIII. Middle childhood
                      A. Physical development between 6 and 13 years
                        1. Boy vs. girl
                        2. Decrease of fatty tissue
                        3. Growth spurt
                        4. Motor development
                      B. Cognitive development
                        1. Piagetian theory
                        2. Intelligence
                      C. Social-emotional development
                        1. Peer groups
                        2. School
                        3. Childhood morality
                        4. Prosocial behavior vs. antisocial behavior
                    IX. Adolescents
                        A. The passage
                          1. From childhood to adulthood
                          2. Continuous vs. discontinuous
                        B. Physical development in adolescence
                          1. Age of adolescence
                          2. Physical changes
                        C. Cognitive development
                          1. Transition from concrete to formal operations
                          2. Propositional thinking
                          3. Idealism and formal thought
                        D. Social development
                          1. Three general stages
                          2. Influence of peers
                          3. Transition from unisex cliques to groups of couples
                          4. Identity crisis
                          5. Social difficulties
                          6. Morality
                      X. Language development
                          A. Language and communication
                            1. Defintion of "language"
                            2. Elements of language
                          B. Developmental steps in humans
                            1. Active vs. passive vocabulary
                            2. Prespeech
                            3. Speech
                          C. Language acquisition theories
                            1. Learning theory
                            2. Chomsky's language acquisition device (LAD)
                            3. Bruner's studies of transposition
                            4. Whorf's hypothesis
                        XI. Exceptional children
                            A. Exceptionality
                              1. Gifted
                              2. Disadvantaged
                              3. Dimensions
                            B. Freud's theory and controversies in special education
                              1. Mainstreaming vs. separation
                              2. Measuring exceptionality
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