Maricopa Community Colleges  HUM105AB   19926-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 5-26-1992

HUM105AB  1992 Fall – 1993 Summer II

LEC  1.0 Credit(s)  1.0 Period(s)  1.0 Load  Acad

Cultural Perspectives: Native-American Ideas and Values

An interdisciplinary examination of the history, arts, ideas, and values of Native Americans and their contribution to life in the United States.

Prerequisites: None.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


HUM105AB  1992 Fall – 1993 Summer II

Cultural Perspectives: Native-American Ideas and Values



Describe the art, literature, and music of the culture as ways of seeing that are inherent in that culture. (I)


Examine artistic expressions critically and describe how these are either unique to the culture or relate to European and American aesthetic values. (I, V)


Trace the effects of myths, legends, and religion on social and artistic development and values of the culture. (II)


Compare and contrast values and systems of knowledge of the culture with those of European and American cultures. (II)


Identify the historical forces that shaped the culture and trace connections to comtemporary cultures. (III)


Identify environmental factors of climate, geographic location, and topography and describe their effect on cultural, social, political, and economic development of the culture. (III)


Describe the culture's social systems, traditional and evolving, as they contrast with or augment social systems in the United States. (IV)


Describe immediate contributions to life in the United States of the culture, based on attendance at functions specific to the culture. (V)


Describe the position and concerns of the culture in the modern world, including political and economic positions, needs, and strengths. (VI)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


HUM105AB  1992 Fall – 1993 Summer II

Cultural Perspectives: Native-American Ideas and Values


I. Aesthetic expression - ways of seeing

A. Art

1. The visual elements

2. Art as language

3. Art as artifact

4. Art as ritual

5. Art as world view

B. Language and literature

1. The oral tradition

2. Written works (where applicable)

3. Themes

4. Metaphors as keys to understanding

5. Stereotypes and the struggle to surmount them

6. Heroes and villains

C. Music and dance

1. As communication

2. As means of expression

3. As forms of ritual

4. Instruments used

5. Tonal scales

II. Moral and religious values - ways of knowing

A. Mythology

1. Creation myths

2. Elemental images

3. The spirit world

B. Ontological views

1. The here and the hereafter

2. Unique beliefs

3. Cross-cultural beliefs

III. The shaping forces

A. History as impact

1. Early times

2. The middle period

3. National development

4. Industrialization (where applicable)

5. Toward comtemporary times

B. Environment as impact

1. Location

2. Topography

3. Climate

4. Natural resources

IV. Human issues

A. Social systems - early

1. Nuclear family

2. Extended family

B. Social systems - evolving

1. Nuclear family

2. Extended family

C. One among many - the individual

1. As an individual

2. As a family member

3. As a citizen

D. Religion as a social force (where applicable)

V. Contributions to American life

A. Political

1. Regional

2. National

B. Social

C. Economic (where applicable)

D. Scientific (where applicable)

E. Artistic

1. Visual arts

2. Music and dance

3. Literature and drama

F. Religious (where applicable)

VI. The culture in today's world

A. Political position

1. Globally

2. In the United States

B. Economic position

1. Globally

2. In the United States

C. Needs

D. Strengths


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