Maricopa Community Colleges  FON100   19892-20002 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  01/10/89  
FON100      19892-20002 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Introductory Nutrition
Consumer oriented approach to basic nutrition concepts and how food choices affect health and fitness. Includes computer utilization for personal dietary analysis and evaluation. Not for predietetics or other preprofessional majors. May not be taken for credit if credit has been earned in FON100AA and/or FON100AC. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
FON100   19892-20002 Introductory Nutrition
1. Use standard food guides and guidelines to select foods that would maximize individual health and fitness. (I)
2. Evaluate nutritional adequacy of individual and popular diets. (II)
3. List the major functions, characteristics, and food sources of the nutrients. (III-VIII)
4. List common health conditions associated with the nutrients. (III-VIII)
5. Estimate caloric requirements and intake. (IX)
6. Describe the major components of a fat-control program. (IX)
7. Apply basic nutrition principles throughout selected periods of the life cycle. (X)
8. Describe the effects of lifestyle and personal habits on nutritional status. (XI)
9. Apply basic guidelines for evaluating nutritional information. (XII)
10. Describe current issues related to food safety. (XIII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
FON100   19892-20002 Introductory Nutrition
    I. Basic nutrition guidelines
        A. U.S. Dietary Goals
        B. Dietary Guidelines for Americans
        C. Food guides
          1. Four Food Group Plan
          2. Prudent Diet
        D. RDA's
      II. Methods of evaluating nutritional adequacy of a diet
          A. Comparison to food group plans and Dietary Guidelines
          B. Nutrient analysis
        III. Carbohydrate
            A. Major functions in the body
            B. Types of carbohydrate and major food sources
              1. Simple sugars
              2. Complex carbohydrate
                a. Starch
                b. Fiber
            C. Common health conditions associated with carbohydrate
            D. Recommendations for intake
          IV. Lipids
              A. Major functions in the body
              B. Type of lipids and major food sources
                1. Saturated fats
                2. Unsaturated fats
                3. Omega-3-fatty acids
                4. Cholesterol
              C. Common health conditions associated with lipids
              D. Recommendations for intake
            V. Protein
                A. Major functions in the body
                B. Types of protein and major food sources
                  1. High quality proteins
                  2. Complementary protein pairs
                C. Vegetarian diets
                D. Recommendations for intake
              VI. Vitamins
                  A. Major functions
                  B. Major food sources
                  C. Common health conditions associated with vitamins
                  D. Recommendations for intake
                  E. Supplements
                VII. Minerals
                    A. Major functions in the body
                    B. Major food sources
                    C. Common health conditions associated with minerals
                    D. Recommendations for intake
                    E. Supplements
                  VIII. Water
                      A. Major functions in the body
                      B. Acceptable sources
                      C. Guidelines for adequate intake
                      D. Problems associated with water metabolism
                        1. Dehydration
                        2. Overhydration and water intoxication
                    IX. Energy balance and fat control
                        A. Methods of estimating caloric expenditure and requirement
                        B. Methods of estimating caloric intake
                        C. Major components of a fat control program
                          1. Adequate diet
                          2. Exercise
                          3. Behavior modification
                      X. Application of nutrition guidelines throughout the life cycle
                          A. Pregnancy and lactation
                          B. Infancy, childhood, and adolescence
                          C. Athletes
                          D. Senior adults
                        XI. Effects of lifestyle and personal habits on nutritional status
                            A. Alcohol intake
                            B. Medications
                            C. Cigarette smoking
                            D. Nutrient supplementation
                            E. Regular exercise
                          XII. Evaluation and use of popular and commercial nutrition information
                              A. Guidelines for evaluating contemporary nutrition information
                              B. Extracting information from food labels
                                1. U.S. RDA's
                                2. Evaluating ingredients
                            XIII. Food Safety
                                A. Common microorganisms
                                B. Additives, pesticides, and preservatives
                                C. Recent developments on food preservation
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