Maricopa Community Colleges  AIR122   19912-19915 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 11-24-2009

ENH190  2010 Spring – 2010 Fall

LEC   3.0 Credit(s)   3.0 Period(s)   3.0 Load   Acad

Introduction to US Ethnic Literature

Introduction to the US ethnic literatures of African Americans, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, Latinas/os, Native Americans, Mixed Race, and other emerging ethnic groups through various expressions. Examines the interconnections of the various experiences of racialized groups living in the US. Provides ethnic US literature a global context through study of the interconnections with the literatures of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. Focus on literary production of at least four specific US ethnic groups and relevant international literatures.

Prerequisites or Corequisites: ENG101 or ENG107.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


ENH190  2010 Spring – 2010 Fall

Introduction to US Ethnic Literature


1.         Identify and define critical terms, literary techniques and critical approaches used in analyzing ethnic literatures. (I, II)

2.         Identify and differentiate literary descriptions of ethnic cultures within postcolonial, decolonial, and colonial eras. (II, IV, V)

3.         Compare and contrast the historical and cultural background of the major periods of the postcolonial, decolonial, and colonial eras. (II, IV, V)

4.         Explain and illustrate the roles of literature as both a formulator and reflection of ethnic cultures. (III, IV)

5.         Report in written and oral formats current trends in ethnic cultures as reflected in literature, and speculate about the possible future trends in ethnic cultures. (V, VI)

6.         Analyze and critically assess ethnic literary works by selected writers in written and oral formats. (V)


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MCCCD Official Course Outline:

ENH190  2010 Spring – 2010 Fall

Introduction to US Ethnic Literature


I.          Literary Terminology

            A.        Critical terms used in analyzing ethnic literatures

            B.        Literary techniques and criticism

II.        Literary Descriptions of US Ethnic Culture: Historical and Cultural Background

            A.        Colonial Era

            B.        Decolonial Era

            C.        Postcolonial Era

III.       Literature and US Ethnic Culture

            A.        Formulator of US ethnic societies

            B.        Reflection of US ethnic societies

IV.       Roots of US Ethnic Culture

            A.        Euro-American Interventions

                        1.         Colonization

                        2.         Slave Trade

                        3.         Manifest Destiny

                        4.         The Frontier and the West

                        5.         Imperialism abroad

                        6.         Eugenics and Scientific Racism

            B.        Ethnic Responses

                        1.         Political Resistance

                        2.         Cultural Resistance

                        3.         Syncretism

V.        The Literatures

            A.        Survey of four US ethnic groups? literatures

                        1.         Fiction

                        2.         Poetry

                        3.         Drama

                        4.         Other relevant texts: oral texts, film, music

            B.        Contextual literatures of the world

                        1.         Fiction

                        2.         Poetry

                        3.         Drama

                        4.         Other relevant texts: oral texts, film, music

VI.       US Ethnic Literature and Culture in the Future


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