Maricopa Community Colleges  EXS212FL   20092-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 6-24-2008

EXS212FL  2009 Spring – 2011 Summer II

L+L  2.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.7 Load  Acad

Instructional Competency Laboratory: Flexibility and Mind- Body Exercises

Fundamental methods of instructing and leading fitness activities including flexibility activities. Core competencies identified by professional certification agencies.

Prerequisites: None.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


EXS212FL  2009 Spring – 2011 Summer II

Instructional Competency Laboratory: Flexibility and Mind- Body Exercises



Screen and classify participants prior to exercise participation, based upon American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines. (I)


Describe the benefits and specific exercises composing a proper warm-up and cool-down relative to a variety of physical activities. (II)


Describe anatomical and physiological characteristics relative to flexibility. (III)


Demonstrate the proper technique for a variety of generally safe and effective exercises to enhance range-of-motion (ROM) in the general population. (IV)


Differentiate between appropriate and contraindicated flexibility exercises for the majority of an apparently healthy adult population. (V)


Demonstrate techniques and execution of a number of alternative mind-body movements. (VI)


Develop safe and effective flexibility programs for individuals of varying physical abilities and needs. (VII)


Demonstrate the techniques and skills critical to effective and motivating instruction for individuals and groups. (VIII)


Explain the most recent ACSM recommendations for the quantity and quality of exercise for developing flexibility in healthy adults. (IX)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


EXS212FL  2009 Spring – 2011 Summer II

Instructional Competency Laboratory: Flexibility and Mind- Body Exercises

I. Exercise Screening

A. Principles and procedures

B. Health and medical history questionnaires

C. Informed consent

D. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) classification guidelines

II. Flexibility and Mind-Body Activities

A. Warm-up

1. Exercises

2. Activities

3. Benefits

B. Cool-down

1. Exercises

2. Activities

3. Benefits

III. Anatomy and Physiology of Flexibility

A. Neuromuscular factors

B. Stretching progression

C. Frequency and duration

IV. Techniques Used to Gain Flexibility

A. Basic

1. Static stretching

2. Passive stretching

3. Active assistive stretching

4. Active stretching

B. Advanced

1. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

2. Dynamic phasic ballistic stretching

V. Unsafe Exercises

A. Contraindication

B. Precautions

VI. Proper Techniques for Mind-body Movements

A. Yoga

B. Tai-chi

C. Pilates

D. Neuromuscular Integrative Action (NIA)

E. Others

VII. Programs for Varying Physical Abilities and Needs

A. Healthy population

B. Athletes

C. Physical limitation

D. Rehabilitation

E. Low back pain

F. Muscle Imbalance

VIII. Effective and Motivational Instruction

A. Individual

B. Group

IX. Professional Certification Agency Guidelines

A. National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

B. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)


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