Maricopa Community Colleges  FSC134AB   20054-20086 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 07/22/08
FSC134AB 20054-20086 LEC 0.75 Credit(s) 0.75 Period(s)
Fitness and Conditioning for Firefighters: Physical and Mental Principles
Individual conditioning strategies and basic exercise principles.
Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
FSC134AB   20054-20086 Fitness and Conditioning for Firefighters: Physical and Mental Principles
1. Explain the physical and mental aspects of well-being and conditioning. (I, II)
2. Explain the relationship between proper training and effective physical and mental performance. (II)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
FSC134AB   20054-20086 Fitness and Conditioning for Firefighters: Physical and Mental Principles
    I. Physical Aspects of Well-Being and Conditioning
        A. Exercise principles
          1. General adaptation
          2. Specificity of training
          3. Overload principle
        B. Exercise physiology
          1. Aerobic and anaerobic energy sources
          2. Muscle physiology
          3. Recovery from undertraining/overtraining
          4. Myotatic stretch reflex
          5. Physical effects of environment
          6. Injury prevention
        C. Proper exercise techniques
          1. Flexibility
          2. Weight training
          3. Specialized programs
          4. Implementation of organizational programs
      II. Mental Aspects of Performance
          A. Stress model
          B. Relaxation techniques
          C. Focus training
          D. Visualization
          E. Performance keys
          F. Mastering skills
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