Maricopa Community Colleges  ENH295   20016-99999 

Official Course Description:  MCCCD Approval:  6-26-01

ENH295  2001 Fall – 2010 Summer II


3 Credit(s)

3 Period(s)

Banned Books and Censorship

History, motivations, and effects of censorship in a democratic society. Censorship and book banning as a method of silencing diverse voices. Critical analysis of banned or challenged literature for children and adults.

Prerequisites: None.


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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


ENH295  2001 Fall – 2010 Summer II

Banned Books and Censorship



Explain the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as it relates to literature and other printed materials. (I)


Identify and explain factors that motivate people and organizations to challenge and/or ban books. (I)


Identify and describe the effects of censorship on readers, writers, publishers, educators, and librarians. (I)


Explain and exemplify uses of censorship by a dominant culture to suppress minority voices. (II)


Read and analyze examples of banned or challenged literature dealing with issues of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, and political perspective. (II, III)


Analyze and present results of independent reading of a text chosen from the American Library Association's list of Most Challenged Books, 1990-2000. (II, III)


Work as part of a team to compose arguments for and against banning or challenging a selected text with a controversial history. (IV)


Articulate a personal position on the issue of censorship of printed materials, and identify national organizations that promote or oppose censorship. (IV)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


ENH295  2001 Fall – 2010 Summer II

Banned Books and Censorship


I. Censorship in Print

A. History

B. Law

C. The First Amendment

D. Motivations for censorship

1. Protection of citizens and public peace

2. Suppression of diverse voices and challenging ideas

3. Control of artists

E. Organizations involved in the censorship debate

F. Banning vs. challenging books

G. Effects of censorship

1. On readers

2. On writers

3. On publishers

4. On educators and schools

5. On librarians and libraries

II. Suppression of Divergent Voices

A. Issues of gender and sexuality

B. Issues of ethnicity and race

1. African American writers

2. Native American writers

3. Hispanic writers

4. Asian American writers

5. Writers of other cultures

C. Issues of religion and morality

D. Issues of political perspective

III. Tools of Literary Analysis

A. Genre

1. Fiction

2. Nonfiction

3. Poetry

4. Drama

B. Character

C. Plot

D. Setting

E. Dialogue

F. Tone

G. Theme

H. Symbolism and imagery

I. Historical and social context

J. Illustrations (in children's literature)

IV. Responses to Censorship of Literature

A. Personal ethics and values

B. Social and cultural ethics and values

C. Legislative and judicial actions and reactions

D. Challenges to online media and publishing

E. National Banned Book Week



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