Maricopa Community Colleges  FSC104   20006-20016 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 05/23/00
FSC104 20006-20016 L+L 8 Credit(s) 9.45 Period(s)
Basic Emergency Medical Technology
Techniques of emergency medical care in accordance with national and state curriculum. Study of the human body, patient assessment, treatment of medically or traumatically compromised patients, special hazards, and medical operations. IV monitoring, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), patient-assisted medication administration, automated external defibrillators, and blood-glucose monitoring. Two eight-hour clinical rotations through a local emergency department scheduled during the semester outside normal class hours. Requires pocket mask, stethoscope, pen light, and trauma scissors. Students must be at least 18 years of age on or before the first class meeting. Prerequisites: Reading placement test score of 41 or higher by assessment. Current validation in American Heart Association Care Provider, or American Red Cross Professional Rescuer, or National Safety Council Green Cross Professional Rescuer. Students must also meet current Arizona Department of Health Services requirements for immunization and a physical examination prior to first class meeting.
Cross-References: EMT104
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
FSC104   20006-20016 Basic Emergency Medical Technology
1. Describe the role and scope of duties of the basic emergency medical technician. (I)
2. Describe the medical/legal aspects of basic emergency medical technology. (II)
3. Apply techniques to evaluate an unconscious victim. (III)
4. Identify the primary survey, secondary survey, and vital sign findingsthat indicate emergency in any of the following general categories: medical, environmental, traumatic, surgical. (III)
5. Identify and care for a patient in need of basic life support. (IV)
6. Use mechanical aids to breathing and circulation. (V)
7. Administer oxygen to patients suffering from respiratory compromise. (VI)
8. Identify and treat a patient in shock, including use of the Military Anti-Shock Trousers (MAST). (VII)
9. Identify and treat soft tissue injuries. (VIII)
10. Identify and treat injuries to the head, chest, abdomen, and genitalia. (IX)
11. Stabilize and splint muscular skeletal injuries in extremities. (X)
12. Identify and treat injuries to the skull, brain, neck, and spine. (XI)
13. Identify and treat acute abdominal disorders. (XII)
14. Identify and treat a patient with a toxiological emergency or communicable disease. (XIII)
15. Identify and treat pediatric emergencies. (XIV)
16. Identify and treat behavioral emergencies. (XV)
17. Identify and treat environmental emergencies. (XVI)
18. Identify and treat emergencies related to diabetes. (XVII)
19. Identify and treat emergencies related to stroke, convulsive disorders, and dyspnea. (XVIII)
20. Identify and treat obstetrical emergencies. (XIX)
21. Apply techniques used in lifting, moving, positioning, or extricating patients as to minimize discomfort and additional injury. (XX)
22. Apply techniques to extricate victims from vehicles. (XXI)
23. Identify and use equipment assigned to ambulance and rescue vehicles. (XXII)
24. Triage and categorize patient care by priorities in a simulated situation. (XXIII)
25. Respond to a simulated disaster scene and identify management procedures to follow. (XXIV)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
FSC104   20006-20016 Basic Emergency Medical Technology
    I. Role and scope of the emergency medical technician
        A. The ambulance
          1. Driving the ambulance to the scene
          2. Special driving techniques
          3. Positioning the ambulance
        C. Initial triage of patients
      II. Medical-legal problems
          A. The standard of care
          B. Duty to act
          C. Consent
          D. Good Samaritan Law
          E. Immunities
          F. Abandonment
          G. Legal implications in special patient situations
        III. Patient survey in medical, environmental, traumatic, surgical emergencies
            A. Primary survey
            B. Secondary survey
            C. Subjective examination
            D. Objective examination
            E. Head-to-toe survey
          IV. Basic life support
              A. Respiratory system
                1. Respiratory failure
                2. Pulmonary resuscitation
              B. The heart
              C. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
                1. One-rescuer CPR
                2. CPR techniques for infants and children
                3. Two-rescuer CPR
                4. Special considerations during transfer of patients
            V. Mechanical aids to breathing
                A. Airways
                B. Suction devices
                C. Ventilation assist devices
              VI. Oxygen therapy
                  A. The importance of supplemental oxygen
                  B. Hypoxia
                  C. The disadvantages of oxygen therapy
                  D. Equipment and supplies for oxygen therapy
                  E. Administering oxygen to breathing patient
                  F. Administering oxygen to non-breathing patient
                VII. Shock
                    A. Defining shock
                    B. Types of shock
                    C. Symptoms and signs of shock
                    D. Preventing and treating shock
                    E. Anaphylactic shock
                    F. Fainting
                    G. Military Anti-Shock Trousers (MAST)
                      1. Application
                      2. Indications for use
                      3. Contraindications
                      4. Removal
                  VIII. Soft tissue injuries
                      A. Types
                      B. Soft tissue wound care
                      C. Closed and open wounds
                      D. Emergency care for open wounds
                      E. Bleeding
                        1. External bleeding
                        2. Internal bleeding
                    IX. Injuries to the head, chest, abdomen, and genitalia
                        A. The scalp and face
                          1. Eyes
                          2. Ears
                          3. nose
                          4. Mouth
                        B. Soft tissues of the neck
                        C. Chest
                        D. Abdomen
                        E. Pelvis and groin
                      X. Injuries to extremities
                        XI. Injuries to the skull, brain, neck, and spine
                            A. The axial skeleton
                            B. The nervous system
                            C. Injuries to the skull and brain
                            D. Management of injuries
                              1. Head injuries
                              2. Spine
                              3. Chest
                          XII. Acute abdominal disorders
                              A. Signs and symptoms
                              B. Emergency care
                            XIII. Poisoning, drug abuse, communicable disease
                                A. Poisoning
                                  1. Types of poisons
                                  2. Poison control centers
                                  3. Emergency care for poisoning
                                B. Snakebite
                                C. Alcohol and drug abuse
                                D. Communicable diseases
                              XIV. Pediatric emergencies
                                  A. Injuries common to children
                                  B. The battered child syndrome
                                  C. Medical problems common to children
                                XV. Behavioral emergencies
                                    A. Psychiatric emergencies
                                    B. Aggressive behavior
                                    C. Attempted suicide
                                  XVI. Environmental emergencies
                                      A. Burns
                                      B. Excessive heat
                                      C. Excessive cold
                                      D. Injuries due to electricity
                                      E. Hazardous materials
                                      F. Explosions
                                    XVII. Diabetic states
                                        A. Diabetic coma and insulin shock
                                        B. Care for diabetic emergencies
                                      XVIII. Stroke and convulsive disorders
                                          A. Cerebrovascular accident
                                          B. Epilepsy
                                          C. Emergency care for convulsive disorders
                                          D. Dyspnea
                                          E. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
                                          F. Asthma
                                          G. Hyperventilation
                                        XIX. Emergency childbirth
                                            A. Cephalic delivery
                                            B. Complications of delivery
                                            C. Pre-delivery emergencies
                                            D. Abnormal deliveries
                                          XX. Lifting and moving patients
                                              A. The basic principles of moving patients
                                              B. Transferring the patient
                                              C. Kendrick Extrication Device (KED)
                                              D. Long spine boards
                                            XXI. Vehicle extrication of trapped victims
                                                A. Through the vehicle body
                                                B. Through vehicle doors
                                                C. Through vehicle windows
                                              XXII. Rescue vehicle and ambulance equipment
                                                  A. The ambulance
                                                  B. Basic equipment and supplies
                                                XXIII. Triage management
                                                    A. Identification procedures
                                                    B. Triage and patient assessment
                                                  XXIV. Disaster management
                                                      A. Phases of a disaster
                                                      B. How people react
                                                      C. The impact on EMS personnel
                                                      D. Disaster scene operations
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