Maricopa Community Colleges  COM275   19956-99999 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/27/95
COM275 19956-99999 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Nonverbal Communication
Effects of space, time, body movements, environment, objects, and voice quality on human communication and interaction. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
COM275   19956-99999 Nonverbal Communication
1. Describe the roles of context and emphasis in nonverbal communication.(I)
2. Identify the elements of nonverbal symbol systems across contexts and cultures. (II)
3. Identify the elements of intracommunication associated with nonverbal behavior. (III)
4. Recognize and assess one's own nonverbal behavior in a variety of settings. (III)
5. Demonstrate appropriate image management in a variety of settings. (III)
6. Identify the elements of relationship interaction and describe their impact on nonverbal behavior. (IV)
7. Recognize and interpret the nonverbal behavior of others. (IV)
8. Identify and describe differences in nonverbal behaviors as they relate to a variety of settings. (V)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
COM275   19956-99999 Nonverbal Communication
    I. Role of Context and Emphasis
        A. Nonverbal in a Social Context
          1. Nonverbal Behavior is Report and Command
          2. Nonverbal is Between People
          3. Context is Nonverbal Communication
          4. Meaning of Nonverbal Behavior
        B. Emphasis on Movement vs. Verbal
          1. Multiple Channels
          2. Analytic Perspectives
          3. From Social Rules to Individual Behavior
      II. Nonverbal Symbol Systems Across Contexts and Cultures
          A. The Nature of Nonverbal
          B. Facial Expressions
          C. Bodily Communication
          D. Proxemic Communication
          E. Personal Appearance
          F. Vocalic Communication
          G. Tactile Communication
          H. Chronomic Communication
        III. Nonverbal: Intracommunication
            A. Motion as a Mirror of Emotion
              1. Emotion Shown and Observed
              2. Signs of Emotion Expressed
              3. Blends of Emotion
              4. Interpreting Signs of Emotion
            B. Personality Traits and Expressive Styles
              1. Orienting Toward Self
              2. Controlling Others
              3. Thinking About Others
              4. Movement Dynamics
            C. Assessment of Self and Adaptation to Others
              1. Recognize Own Nonverbal Behaviors
              2. Image Projection and Management
              3. Adapting to Context
              4. Avoiding Mixed Messages
          IV. Relationship Interaction in Nonverbal Communication
              A. Positive Relationships
                1. Nonverbal Indication of Attraction
                2. Intimacy/Equilibrium Model
                3. Arousal Model
                4. Movement, Postural, and Vocal Synchrony
              B. Negative Relationships
                1. Competition
                2. Spatial(Invasion)
                3. Rejection and Aggression
                4. Inconsistent Messages
              C. Status Effects
                1. Gaze
                2. Posture and Orientation
                3. Proxemics and Seating Arrangements
                4. Vocal Cues
              D. Influential Moves
                1. Attitude Change
                2. Approval Seeking
                3. Experimenter Bias/Deception
                4. Improving Performances
              E. Observing and Interpreting Nonverbal Behavior in Others
                1. Review Clusters of Behaviors
                2. Review of Verbal Language
                3. Perception Choice Process
                4. Clarification of Observations
            V. Nonverbal Behavior in Applied Settings
                A. Gender Communication
                B. Intercultural Communication
                C. Workplace Communication
                D. Age Appropriate Behaviors
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