Maricopa Community Colleges  AAA150   19956-19975 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/27/95
AAA150 19956-19975 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Success Orientation Seminar
Focus on learning techniques, college coping skills, and career decision-making. May be taken as credit/no credit option. Prerequisites: None.
Cross-References: CPD150
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
AAA150   19956-19975 Success Orientation Seminar
1. Analyze present use of time. (I)
2. Establish priorities. (I)
3. Establish short and long-term goals. (I)
4. Set-up weekly and monthly schedules. (I)
5. Identify alternate methods of time management. (I)
6. Utilize effective listening techniques. (II)
7. Apply effective notetaking from lectures and textbooks. (II)
8. Utilize effective cognitive mapping techniques to reduce information. (III)
9. Utilize effective charting techniques to reduce information. (III)
10. Utilize effective summarizing techniques to reduce information. (III)
11. Utilize a logical and systematic method for effective textbook reading and studying. (IV)
12. Utilize effective steps for previewing, understanding, and recalling material to be learned. (IV)
13. Manage effective physical study environments. (V)
14. Organize effective study time and material. (V)
15. Select appropriate test-taking techniques. (V)
16. Describe and locate all college resources supportive to academic learning. (VI)
17. Describe an activity and outcome demonstrating a self-empowerment approach to successful academic behavior. (VII)
18. Identify a long-range educational goal and supporting objectives. (VIII)
19. Utilize a networking plan. (IX)
20. Describe a needed behavior change and an appropriate change pattern. (X)
21. Develop a strategy to handle teacher-learner problems. (XI)
22. Model a preferred stress reduction imagery process applicable to learning processes. (XII)
23. Identify preferred learning style components and describe how they apply to learning strategies. (XIII)
24. Write intention and discovery statements. (XIV)
25. List tips for good listening. (XV)
26. List ways to block communication with patterns for change. (XVI)
27. State ways to deal constructively with criticism. (XVII)
28. Describe the "Make It Meaningful" concept. (XVIII)
29. List factors that lead to job satisfaction. (XIX)
30. Identify the behaviors, through a critical-thinking model, related to career choice. (XX)
31. List personal values related to making career choices. (XXI)
32. Identify, assess, and use occupational information available at the college. (XXII)
33. Describe the purpose, use, and results of using the computer generated career information system known as the Guidance Information System (GIS). (XXII)
34. List sources outside the college available for career information. (XXII)
35. Identify career choice elements compatible with internal satisfaction. (XXIII)
36. Identify external determinants affecting career choice and satisfaction. (XXIV)
37. List the purpose and value of courses required under General Educationareas of degree programs as related to career implementation. (XXV)
38. State career areas as potential personal career options. (XXVI)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
AAA150   19956-19975 Success Orientation Seminar
    I. Time Management/Organization
        A. Analyzing present use of time
        B. Establishing priorities
        C. Establishing short and long-term goals
        D. Settng up weekly and monthly schedules
        E. Identifying alternate methods of time management
      II. Notetaking
          A. Listening techniques
          B. Lecture application
          C. Textbook application
        III. Material Reduction
            A. Cognitive mapping techniques
            B. Charting techniques
            C. Summarizing techniques
          IV. Textbook Reading and Studying
              A. Logical and systematic method
              B. Previewing, understanding, and recalling application
            V. Test Preparation and Test-Taking Techniques
                A. Physical study environments
                B. Study time and material organization
                C. Test-taking techniques
              VI. College Resources
                  A. Learning Center
                  B. Counseling Center
                  C. Library
                  D. Fitness Center
                  E. Student Services
                  F. Other
                VII. Self-Empowerment Approach
                    A. "You Create It All" exercise
                    B. Networking strategy
                    C. Time management
                    D. Goal-setting plan
                  VIII. Educational Goals
                      A. Long-range
                      B. Supporting objectives
                    IX. Networking Plans
                        A. Goal setting
                        B. Support person(s)
                      X. Behavior Change and Change Patterns
                          A. Ineffective behavior
                          B. Change description
                        XI. Teacher-Learner Problems
                            A. Identification
                            B. Solution strategy
                            C. Dyads
                          XII. Stress Reduction Imagery Processes
                              A. Imagery rehearsal
                              B. Handling stress
                            XIII. Learning Style Components
                                A. Cognitive Style Map (CSM)
                                B. CSM interpretation
                                C. Learning strategies
                              XIV. Intention and Discovery Statements
                                  A. Self-discovery
                                  B. Change implementation
                                XV. Good Listening Tips
                                  XVI. Communication Patterns
                                      A. Communication style
                                      B. Social style
                                      C. Persuading
                                      D. Exploring
                                      E. Understanding
                                    XVII. Dealing with Criticism
                                        A. Identification
                                        B. Strategies
                                      XVIII. "Make It Meaningful" Concept
                                          A. Development
                                          B. Assessment
                                        XIX. Job Satisfaction Factors
                                            A. History of career choice process
                                            B. Concept of work
                                            C. Factors determining success
                                              1. Aspects of world of work
                                              2. Career differences
                                              3. Knowledge of careers
                                              4. Value research
                                              5. Attitudes
                                              6. Aptitudes
                                          XX. Critical-Thinking Model
                                              A. Model presentation
                                              B. Model use in career-choice process
                                            XXI. Career-Choice Personal Values
                                                A. Life/work values
                                                B. Interest/skills
                                                C. Value clarification
                                                D. Personal inventory
                                                E. Vocational history
                                              XXII. Occupational Information
                                                  A. Career Center
                                                  B. Library
                                                  C. GIS (Guidance Information System)
                                                  D. Off-campus sources
                                                XXIII. Career Choice Elements
                                                    A. "Self-now" and "self-future" activities
                                                    B. Lifeline
                                                    C. Career investigation
                                                    D. Values clarification
                                                    E. Myers-Briggs Inventory (MBTI)
                                                  XXIV. External Determinants
                                                      A. Career stereotypes
                                                      B. Media
                                                      C. Changing career/employment areas
                                                    XXV. General Education Courses
                                                        A. Career information
                                                        B. Personal goal enhancement
                                                      XXVI. Guided Imagery
                                                          A. Development
                                                          B. Practice
                                                          C. Assessment
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