Maricopa Community Colleges  AJS240   19946-19996 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 05/24/94
AJS240 19946-19996 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
The Correction Function
Examines the history and development of correctional theories and institutions. Prerequisites: AJS101 or permission of instructor.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
AJS240   19946-19996 The Correction Function
1. Identify and describe the various components of the criminal justice process. (I)
2. Identify the historical development of the corrections system and describe the contributions made to corrections by the United States. (II)
3. Trace the development of American prisons. (II)
4. Describe the ideologies of prevention, rehabilitation, and retribution. (II)
5. Identify and describe sentencing alternatives. (III)
6. Describe the development of probation and identify and describe the administrative procedures associated with probation. (III)
7. Describe the development of parole and identify and describe the administrative procedures associated with parole. (IV)
8. Outline the differences between parole and probation and describe the appropriate circumstances under which each is used. (III,IV)
9. Identify and describe various types of correctional institutions and describe the role that corrections plays in the criminal justice system. (V)
10. Identify and describe the organization of various types correctional institutions and describe the management of each. ( V)
11. Identify and describe a variety of factors involved in operating and maintaining the the physical plant. (V)
12. Identify and describe prison operations including the classification of prisoners, security operations, disciplinary procedures, industry operations, offender rights, prison programs and services. (V, VI)
13. Identify and describe special correctional institutions. (VII)
14. Describe special problems involved in dealing with juvenile and female offenders. (VII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
AJS240   19946-99999 The Correction Function
    I. The Criminal Justice Process
        A. Police
        B. Courts
        C. Corrections
        D. Constitutional Issues
      II. Evolution of Corrections
          A. Deterrence
          B. Reform
          C. Retribution
          D. Rehabilitation
            1. Basis for Prisons
            2. Pennsylvania System 3 Modern Corrections
        III. Alternatives to Incarceration
            A. Probation
              1. Historical Development
              2. Administration
              3. Pre-sentencing Reports
              4. Condition of Probation
              5. Supervision
            B. Work Release
            C. Diversion
          IV. Parole
              A. Historical Development
              B. Parole Boards
                1. Structure
                2. Authority
              C. Supervision
              D. Revocations
            V. Correctional Institutions
                A. Types Based on Security
                B. Physical Plant
                  1. Operations
                  2. Maintenance
                C. Organization
                  1. Structure/Management
                  2. Prison Programs/Services
                  3. Security Operations
                  4. Prisoners' Rights
                  5. Disciplinary Procedures
                  6. Industrial Operations
              VI. Diagnosis/Classification of Offenders
                  A. Process and Procedures
                  B. Contributions
                  C. Reclassification
                VII. Special Institutions
                    A. Federal
                    B. Women
                    C. Juvenile
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