Maricopa Community Colleges  AMT272AA   19936-20086 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 07/22/08
AMT272AA 19936-20086 L+L 4 Credit(s) 8 Period(s)
Propeller Systems and Engine Inspections: Part 65
Historical development, operation, disassembly, inspection, repair, and maintenance of propellers. Reciprocating and turbine engine inspection and documentation.
Prerequisites: Permission of Program Director.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
AMT272AA   19936-20086 Propeller Systems and Engine Inspections: Part 65
1. Trace the historical development and describe the operational theory of aircraft propellers. (I)
2. Identify and select propeller lubricants. (I)
3. Balance propellers. (I)
4. Inspect, check, service, and repair fixed-pitch, constant-speed, and feathering propellers and propeller governing systems. (I)
5. Repair propeller control system components. (I)
6. Inspect, check, service, and repair propeller synchronizing and ice control systems. (I)
7. Install, troubleshoot, and remove propellers. (I)
8. Repair aluminum alloy propeller blades. (I)
9. Perform powerplant conformity and airworthiness inspections. (II)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
AMT272AA   19936-20086 Propeller Systems and Engine Inspections: Part 65
    I. Propeller Installation, Inspection, and Repair
        A. History and development of aircraft propellers
          1. Bernoulli's Principle
          2. Early dirigible propellers
          3. Dryewiecki theory, blade-element theory
          4. Wright Brothers' propellers
          5. Modern development
          6. Propeller safety
        B. Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) governing propellers
          1. FAR 23
          2. FAR 25
          3. FAR 35
          4. FAR 43
          5. FAR 45
          6. FAR 65
        C. Propeller principles, nomenclature, and theory
          1. Nomenclature of propeller components
            a. Leading edge
            b. Trailing edge
            c. Tip
            d. Shank
            e. Blade cuffs
            f. Face
            g. Back
            h. Hub
            i. Neck
          2. Theory of operation
            a. Blade angle
            b. Blade station
            c. Pitch distribution
            d. Propeller pitch
            e. Zero-thrust pitch
            f. Relative wind
            g. Angle of attack
          3. Principles of operation
            a. Centrifugal twisting moment
            b. Torque bending force
            c. Thrust bending force
            d. Aerodynamic twisting moment
            e. Tip speed
            f. Propeller efficiency
            g. Nodal point
            h. Vibration force and critical range
            i. P factor
          4. Classification of propellers
            a. Tractor
            b. Pusher
            c. Types
            d. Feathering
            e. Reverse-pitch
            f. Direct drive
            g. Geared engines
        D. Propeller blade construction
          1. Wood propellers and components
            a. Leading edge strips
            b. Vibration from wood versus metal
            c. Commonly used woods
            d. Tip fabric
            e. Metal tipping
            f. Moisture release holes
            g. Wooden controllable-pitch blades
            h. Balance
          2. Aluminum propeller blades
            a. Efficiency
            b. Horizontal blance
            c. Cleaning procedures
            d. Inspection and repair procedures
          3. Steel propeller blades
            a. Uses
            b. Reduced weight
            c. Damage
            d. Inspection procedures
            e. Approved repairs
          4. Composite propeller blades
            a. Improved reparability
            b. Construction
            c. Manufacturers
          5. Inspection and service procedures
          6. Repair procedures
        E. Propeller Installation
          1. Flange
          2. Spline
          3. Tapered shaft
        F. Fixed-pitch propellers
        G. Ground adjustable and automatic propellers
        H. Two-position propellers
          1. Hamilton-Standard counterweight propeller
          2. Inspection and service procedures
          3. Repair and identification procedures
          4. Controls
        I. Governors
          1. On speed
          2. Over speed
          3. Under speed
          4. Speeder spring
          5. Fly weights
        J. Hamilton-Standard hydromatic propellers
        K. Instrument indication
          1. Fixed-pitch propellers
          2. Constant-speed propeller systems
        L. Constant-speed propellers
          1. System operation
          2. Component repair
          3. Inspection and service procedures
          4. Repair procedures
        M. Feathering and reversing propellers
        N. Propeller auxiliary systems
          1. Synchronization systems
            a. Woodward II
            b. Synchrophasing
          2. Automatic feathering
          3. Ice control
            a. Fluid system
            b. Electrical system
        O. Propeller vibration
          1. Static balance
            a. Knife edge
            b. Arbor
          2. Dynamic
            a. Chadwick Helmuth
            b. Whirligig
        P. Propeller removal and installation procedures
        Q. Troubleshooting procedures
        R. Propeller operational checks
        S. McCaulley
        T. Hamilton-Standard
        U. Hartzell
      II. Powerplant Conformity and Airworthiness Inspections
          A. Inspection processes
            1. Fault nomenclature
            2. Critical inspection areas for particular engines
            3. Borescope usage
            4. Compressor blade
            5. Burner, liner, and duct
            6. Turbine blade and starter
            7. Inlet and exhaust duct
            8. Ignition cleaning
            9. Seals and bearing
          B. Turbine engine troubleshooting procedures
            1. Fuel system
              a. Pumps
              b. Nozzles
              c. Distribution
            2. Ignition system
            3. Electrical system
              a. Starter
              b. Generator
              c. Regulator
            4. Engine indicating systems
            5. Engine internal systems
            6. Propeller and rotor systems
          C. Electrical distribution systems
            1. Lighting
            2. Position and warning systems
              a. Indicators
              b. Annunciators
            3. Hydraulic systems
            4. Flight controls
            5. Other auxiliary systems
              d. Item to check on powerplant inspections
            1. Airworthiness Directives
            2. General aviation airworthiness alerts, AC 43-16
            3. Type Certificate Data sheets versus Engine Specification Sheets
            4. Major repair and alteration forms
            5. Retirement life limited parts
            6. Service Bulletins and Service Letters
            7. Supplement type certificates
            8. Preinspection run-up requirements
            9. Powerplant checklist
            10. Additional items
              a. Cowling
              b. Stored engines for correct color on humidity indicator
              c. 100-hour or annual inspection, or both
              d. Logbook entries
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