Maricopa Community Colleges  CHI102   19926-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 5-26-1992

CHI102  1992 Fall – 2011 Summer II

L+L  5.0 Credit(s)  6.0 Period(s)  5.7 Load  Acad

Elementary Chinese (Mandarin) II

Continued study of grammar and vocabulary along with the study of Chinese culture. Emphasis on pronunciation and speaking skills.

Prerequisites: CHI101 or equivalent.


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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


CHI102  1992 Fall – 2011 Summer II

Elementary Chinese (Mandarin) II



Demonstrate proper social interaction in Chinese. (I)


Demonstrate proper use of Chinese vocabulary required for common tasks, such as checking into a hotel, seeing a doctor, and discussing travel plans. (I)


Use common idiomatic expressions in Chinese. (I)


Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of basic pronunciation, grammar and elementary conversational, reading and writing skills of standard Mandarin Chinese. (I, II, III)


Read and write approximately 200 additional Characters. (I, II)


Identify and practice Chinese rules of grammar. (II)


Practice expressions of time. (II)


Identify and use three common Chinese sentence structures. (II)


Practice correct usage of Chinese verbs. (II)


Use terms to describe physical objects, including color, weight, height, length, and measurement. (II)


Use the particles "je," "de," and "ne." (II)


Describe basic elements of Chinese history and culture. (IV)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


CHI102  1992 Fall – 2011 Summer II

Elementary Chinese (Mandarin) II

I. Vocabulary and Dialogue

A. Giving compliments and responding

B. Checking into a hotel

C. Currency

D. Seeing a doctor

E. Traveling plans and places

F. Describing objects

G. Measurement

H. Relatives

I. Expressing capability and ability

J. Comparing

K. Common sayings

L. Geographic names and translation

II. Grammar

A. Time expressions

1. Time when

2. Time spent

3. Measure of a period action, event, and relative time

4. Lapse of time

5. Time clauses

6. Sequence of time units

B. Verb Usage

1. Verbs of movement with verbs Lai or ch'yu

2. Verbs compounded with dzai, dau and gei

C. Three types of sentence structure

1. Normal

2. Prestate the object

3. Using ba'

D. Use of ba' construction

1. Coverb and its object

2. Directional ending

3. Actual potential

E. Comparison

1. Measures

2. Coverb

3. Degree

F. Contrast and equivalence

1. Similarity

2. Dissimilarity

G. Fractions

H. Physical

1. Color

2. Weight

4. Length

5. Measurement

I. Distances and comparison

J. Passive rang construction with coverbs or agent and aggressive ba'

K. Connective adverbs in associated pairs

1. Coordinate clauses

2. Subordinate clauses

3. Multi-clausal sentences

M. Use of the particle je

1. Progressive

N. Use of the particle de

1. Modification

2. Possessive

O. Uses of the particle ne

1. Question and with Question-word

2. Abbreviated with Subject or Object

3. Emphasize the continuous of Movement

III. Chinese Characters

IV. Basic related aspects of Chinese culture, customs and habits


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