Maricopa Community Colleges  COM263   19886-19955 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/02/87
COM263 19886-19955 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Elements of Intercultural Communication
Basic concepts, principles, and skills for improving oral communication between persons from different minority, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
COM263   19886-19955 Elements of Intercultural Communication
1. Identify the nature, elements, and impact of culture.
2. Assess one's own cultural self-awareness in relation to comparative or contrast cultures.
3. Identify potential barriers to communication and how to avoid them or manage them in a variety of situations.
4. Describe the relationship between culture and communication and its impact on interpersonal, group, and public communication.
5. Compare similarities and differences universal to all cultures.
6. Describe the process of perception and the perceptual problems most commonly found in cross-cultural encounters.
7. Describe the nature of stereotyping and prejudice and how it edits or controls one's behavior.
8. Demonstrate skills and strategies for dealing with similarities and differences in perception.
9. Identify breakdowns which stem from perceptual differneces.
10. Assess different learning styles and approaches to learning.
11. Describe the impact of culture on how we think and respond to our world.
12. Identify the impact culture has on everything we do.
13. Differentiate between language differences across cultures.
14. Identify verbal and nonverbal behaviors across cultures that are similar or different.
15. Demonstrate the skills necessary for effective cross-culture interactions as a sender.
16. Demonstrate the skills necessary for effective cross-cultural interactions as a receiver.
17. Identify steps of culture conflict and culture shock.
18. Identify cycles of adjustment.
19. Describe issues and problems in intercultural communication.
20. Identify impact of intercultural communication and the role of training effective cross-cultural communicators.
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
COM263   19886-19955 Elements of Intercultural Communication
    I. Nature of Culture
        A. Definition and Elements
        B. Examples of Cultural Differences
        C. Examples of Cultural Simmilarities
        D. Aspects of Learned Behaviors
        E. Impact of Culture on Personality
        F. Cultural Self-Awareness
        G. Contrast Approaches to Study of Culture
        H. Foreign and Domestic Cultures
      II. Nature of the Communication Process
          A. Definition and Elements
          B. Potential Barriers
          C. Responsibilities of Communicators
          D. Models of Communication
          E. Sender/Receiver Skills
          F. Feedback and Responsiveness
        III. Relationship of Culture and Communication
            A. Relationship Elements and Process
            B. Impact of Each upon the Other
            C. Models of Communication and Culture
            D. Intercultural Communication
            E. Interracial Communication
            F. International Communication
            G. Impact on Interpersonal, Group, and Public Communication
          IV. Nature of Perception
              A. Definition and Elements of the Process
              B. Blocks to Perception
              C. Individual Differences
              D. Perceptual Problems Across Cultures
              E. Dealing with Similarities and Differences
                1. Skills
                2. Strategies
              F. Nature and Impact of Stereotypes
              G. Nature and Impact of Prejudices
              H. Nature and Impact of Discrimination
              I. Skills of Culture Management
              J. Projection of Attitudes, Behaviors, and Expectations on Others
            V. Socio-Psychological Impact of Culture
                A. How One Learns
                B. How One Thinks and Processes Information for Decisions
                C. Social Organization within a Culture
                D. Customs, Habits, and Mores of a Society
                E. Nature of One's Cultural Image or Characteristics
                F. Motives, Attitudes, and Value Systems of the People
                G. Business and Aspects of Relating at All Levels of an Organization
                H. Interpersonal Relations, Group Work, and Public Management Practices
              VI. Language: Verbal Codes of Behavior
                  A. Problem of Language Differences
                  B. Language as Reflection of Values, Perception, and Thought Process
                  C. Social Meaning in Language Structure
                  D. Differences in Translation
                VII. Nonverbal Communication: Codes of Behavior
                    A. Universal Codes of Behaviors
                    B. Cultural Differences in Behaviors
                    C. Relationship of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
                    D. Skills of Perception Checking
                    E. How to Read Cues Across Cultures
                    F. How to Project Effective Behaviors Across Cultures
                  VII. Skills of an Effective Cross-Cultural Communicator
                      A. Appreciation and Respect for Other Cultures and Their Differences
                      B. Active Listening
                      C. Perception Checks
                      D. Feedback and Responsiveness
                      E. See and Sustain Varieties of Information
                      F. Tolerate Ambiguity in Self, Others, and In Relationships
                      G. Anticipate and Manage Problem Areas in Communication
                      H. Find Common Ground and Objectives with Someone Whose Values and Preferences are Different
                      I. Cope with Stresses Present in Multicultural Environments
                      J. Clarification of Communication
                      K. Express Positive Regard for Another
                        1. Eye contact
                        2. Posture
                        3. Tone of voice
                        4. Display of interest
                      L. Sense of Humor - No Matter What
                    IX. Culture Conflict and Culture Shock
                        A. Definition and Elements
                        B. Steps and Process of Culture Conflict and Culture Shock
                        C. Elements of Role Fatigue
                        D. Cycles of Cultural Adjustment
                        E. Preparation for Cultural Immursion
                        F. Reverse Culture Shock and Reentry to Home Culture
                      X. Intercultural Issues and Problems
                          A. Problems and Issues
                          B. Ethical Issues and Considerations
                          C. Future Prospects and Impact on Life and Job Market
                          D. Research Trends in the Future
                          E. Draining Issues and Development of Cross-Cultural Training
                          F. Impacts
                            1. Tourism
                            2. Educational and cultural exchange
                            3. International business relations
                            4. International relations and conflict resolution
                            5. Communication in a changing world of media and technology
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