Maricopa Community Colleges  CIS133AA   20054-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 11-23-2004


CIS133AA  2005 Summer I – 2011 Summer II

L+L  1.0 Credit(s)  2.0 Period(s)  1.7 Load  Occ


Internet/Web Development Level I-A


Overview of the Internet and its resources. Hands-on experience with various Internet communication tools.

Prerequisites: None.


Cross-References: BPC133AA




MCCCD Official Course Competency:



CIS133AA  2005 Summer I – 2011 Summer II

Internet/Web Development Level I-A




Define and distinguish between the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW). (I)


Identify common uses of the Internet/WWW. (I)


Explain the concepts of culture, ethics, and privacy as they relate to the Internet/WWW. (I)


Describe procedures and requirements for connecting to the Internet/WWW. (II)


Describe key technologies used by the Internet/WWW. (III)


Identify and use popular asynchronous communication services available on the Internet/WWW. (IV, V)


Demonstrate Browser Basics. (V)


Use various research information and resources available on the Internet/WWW. (VI)


Create a Basic Home Page with HTML. (VII)


MCCCD Official Course Outline:


CIS133AA  2005 Summer I – 2011 Summer II

Internet/Web Development Level I-A


I. Internet Philosophy, Culture, and Norms

A. Definition of the Internet

B. Uses of the Internet

C. Ethics and codes of conduct

D. Privacy issues

E. Governance

II. Connecting to the Internet

A. Public dial-up sources

B. Cable


D. Wireless

III. Key Technologies Used by the Internet/WWW

A. Client/server


IV. Asynchronous Internet Communication Services

A. Electronic mail programs

B. Electronic mail addressing conventions

V. Browser Basics

A. Web Browser Software

B. Web Site Addressing

C. Bookmark or Favorite

1. Creating

2. Management

D. Browser Options

1. Preferences

2. Catching

3. Appearances

VI. Research Information and Resources on the Internet/WWW

A. Guidelines

B. Tools

C. Search Engines

D. Directories

VII. Home Pages

A. Basic HTML codes

B. Enhancement Codes


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