Maricopa Community Colleges  CRW275   20042-99999 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 03/25/03
CRW275 20042-99999 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Writing the Mystery Story
Introduces the student to the elements and techniques of writing the mystery story; reinforces terminology and concepts for successful participation in writing workshops; facilitates writing practice, evaluation, and revision in the writing of the mystery story; offers individual guidance on the student's development as a writer. Prerequisites: CRW150, or permission of instructor.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
CRW275   20042-99999 Writing the Mystery Story
1. Describe the history and development of the mystery story from Edgar Allan Poe to the present. (I)
2. Identify the elements of the mystery story. (I)
3. Describe sub-genres of the mystery story. (II)
4. Distinguish between mystery and suspense in mystery stories and write examples of each; incorporating tension and conflict in story action and dialogue. (III, V, VIII)
5. Write one mystery story whose plot and story includes means, motive, and opportunity. (III, VIII)
6. Include climax and story denouement. (III, VIII)
7. Write clues, and conceal them in the story. (IV, VIII)
8. Use suspects, victims, and red herrings. (IV, VIII)
9. Incorporate effective use of dialogue, voice, and point of view. (V, VI, VIII)
10. Incorporate effective use of setting and atmosphere. (VII, VIII)
11. Analyze and evaluate the plausibility and effectiveness of mystery plots and the use of mystery elements in works of fiction by students and professionals. (I, VIII)
12. Provide constructive commentary to another writer about his or her creative work (verbally or in writing) using a writing workshop approach. (VIII)
13. Use a variety of techniques to revise the student's own creative work. (IX)
14. Identify potential markets for the student's mystery story. (X)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
CRW275   20042-99999 Writing the Mystery Story
    I. Analysis of Mystery Stories
        A. History and development of the mystery story
        B. Elements of the mystery story
          1. Crime
          2. Detection
          3. Solution
      II. Overview of Sub-genres
          A. Cozy
          B. Puzzle
          C. Private detective
          D. Police procedural
          E. Romantic suspense
          F. Spy-thriller
        III. Plot and Story
            A. Crime, detection, and solution
            B. Mystery and suspense; tension and conflict
            C. Means, motive, and opportunity
            D. Pacing
            E. Climax and denouement
          IV. Techniques in Creating Mystery and Suspense
              A. Clues and techniques for concealing them
              B. Suspects, victims, and red herrings
            V. Dialogue
                A. Developing character through dialogue
                B. Developing story through dialogue
              VI. Voice and Point of View
                  A. First person
                  B. Second person
                  C. Third person
                VII. Setting and Atmosphere
                    A. Interaction of people and place
                    B. Bringing settings to life
                  VIII. Writing the Mystery Story
                      A. Discovery and pre-writing
                      B. Drafting the mystery
                      C. Analysis of student and professional fiction writing
                        1. Plausibility and effectiveness
                        2. Use of mystery elements
                    IX. Revision Techniques
                      X. Potential Markets
                          A. Print media
                          B. Electronic media
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