Official Course
Description: MCCCD Approval:
4-27-1999 |
1999 Fall – 2001 Summer II |
3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s) 3.0 Load Acad |
Music and Culture |
of Rock music and how cultural, social, political, and economic conditions
have shaped its evolution. Prerequisites: None. |
Go to Competencies Go to Outline
Official Course Competencies: |
MHL153 1999
Fall – 2001 Summer II |
Rock Music and Culture |
Describe and interrelate the origins and elements of Rock
music and culture, including musical components and comparisons with other
popular musical forms. (I) |
Explain why
white youth in the mid-1950's adopted Black rhythm and blues as the music of
their generation, and identify the appropriate musical structures and
nuances. (II) |
Identify and
describe the psychological stages of personal development in Rock 'n' Roll in
the mid-to-late 1950's, through the recordings and personalities of the
"Golden Age" of Rock. (III) |
Describe the
psychological and musical characteristics of the emerging Rock culture from
the late 1950's to early 1960's. (IV) |
Describe the
conflicts and tensions between the Rock Generation and the Established
society surrounding and controlling them in the early 1960's. (V) |
Describe the
various "escapist" maneuvers by mid-1960's youth as a means of
dealing with the competitive crises of modern urban life, including
appropriate artists and recordings. (VI) |
Describe how class and generational conflicts in British
society affected Rock music and culture in the mid-1960's. (VII) |
Explain the
growing radicalism and vulgarity of Rock culture in the mid-1960's, and
identify American artists and recordings representative of those trends.
(VIII) |
Explicate the
shift in the mid-1960's Rock culture towards arrogant relativism, political
radicalism, and guilt free use of drugs, and identify musical and literary
defenses for this subculture. (IX) |
Compare and
contrast the increasing hostility between the Rock and Establishment cultures
in the mid-to-late 1960's, including musical and behavioral evidence of value
conflict. (X) |
Explain the
extreme radicalism of Rock culture in the late 1960's to early 1970's in
relationship to the climax of the Viet Nam War Period, including musical and
political protests. (XI) |
Depict the
events which led to the "sell-out" Seventies and the making of the
"Me Generation", through representative artists and recordings.
(XII) |
Describe what
is meant by the pendulum of aesthetic and commercial protest in Rock music
and culture in the mid-to-late 1970's, including musical and political
examples. (XIII) |
Explain the
rise and fall of the Pub/Punk Rock protest movements in relation to the
artistic, idealistic, and economic aspects of Rock music and culture in the
late 1970's to early 1980's. (XIV) |
Analyze the
eclectic Eighties in Rock music, describe the growing critical concern over
corruption in the culture of Rock 'n' Roll, and relate the various
Establishment responses. (XV) |
Project the
trends of Rock 'n' Roll through the 1990's and review the impact of Rock
music and culture on American civilization, including arguments pro and con.
(XVI) |
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Official Course Outline: |
MHL153 1999
Fall – 2001 Summer II |
Rock Music and Culture |
I. Origins and Elements A. American Popular Culture
and Western Civilization B. Organizational Methods
and Critical Principles C. Basic Musicology 1. Horizontal component 2. Vertical component D. The Psycho-Biology of
Human Musical Responsivity E. The Roots of Rock 'n'
Roll F. Differences Between Rock
'n' Roll and Jazz G. Psycho-Historical
Theories 1. Popular culture 2. Rock music and culture H. Historical Recordings,
Slides, and Musical Demonstrations II. Mid-1950's (Begin) A. Musical History of Black
Blues 1. U.S. culture 2. Racial history B. Emergence of the Golden
Age of Rock 'n' Roll 1. Black R & B 2. Northern urban Black
Electrified Blues C. Rock Becomes the Music
of the Baby Boomer Generation D. Rock Music and Culture
Commercially Exploited E. White Culture Co-Opts
Black Culture F. Historical and
Representative Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations III. Mid-to-Late 1950's
(Conclusion) A. Psychological Stages of
Development 1. Personal 2. Rock music and culture B. "Why Elvis?" -
Timing and Need in History C. Early History of Rock
'n' Roll D. Importance of American
Historical Traditions to Rock 1. Black roots 2. White Pioneer E. Historical and
Representative Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations IV. Late 1950's to Early
1960's (Begin) A. Personality of Emerging
Rock Culture 1. Psycho-sexual 2. Human developmental 3. Group (Narcissism and
"Entitlement") B. Conflicts Over Rock
Music 1. Exemplified by Elvis
Presley 2. Generational 3. Class 4. Stereotypical racial C. Continuing
Commercialization of Rock 1. Teen disposable income 2. Rock as big business 3. Dreamy adolescence
exploited D. Organized Crime and the
Business of Rock E. Further Dilution of
Black Elements in Rock 1. White Rock entrepreneurs
2. Pallid Pop-Rock (M.O.R.)
F. Celebrity Craze
Continues G. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations V. Early 1960's
(Conclusion) A. Rock Recovers from White
Blanching 1. Rock generation growing
older 2. More discriminating real
Rock tastes B. Conflicts 1. Rock as show biz for big
bucks 2. Rock as the idealistic
music of youth C. The Crime Continues 1. Payola 2. Career tampering D. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations VI. Early Mid-1960's A. Traditional
"Escapist" Aspects B. The Cult of Youth
Emerges C. Rock and Folk Rock As a
Medium 1. Normal youth protest 2. Reaction to the
"Rat Race" D. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations VII. Mid-1960's (British) A. Social Unrest in British
Society 1. The Bulge 2. Traditional class
differences B. Protests Among British
Youth 1. Restrained upper class
"Mods" 2. Aggressive lower class
"Rockers" C. The Beatles 1. Cleaned up by Brian
Epstein 2. Total commercial
packaging D. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations VIII. Mid-1960's
(Continued) A. Rock Culture Enters Late
Adolescence 1. Adulthood deferred for
narcissistic hedonism 2. Increasing radical
social and political protest through Rock music and lyrics B. Culture Becomes
Intentionally Vulgar 1. Fixated adolescence 2. Entrepreneurs discover
that sex and protest sell C. Rock Culture is Now
Self-Sustaining D. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations IX. Mid-1960's (Conclusion)
A. Passive Withdrawal from
Competitive Rat Race 1. Whole Hippie/Beatnik
syndrome 2. Drug culture B. Moral Relativism Becomes
Pervasive C. Great Post WW II
Education Boom Begins 1. Permissive philosophy
and extended period of schooling 2. Beginning decline in
educational and academic standards and achievements D. Serious Drug Culture
Begins E. The New Psychedelic Drug
Culture is Commercially Exploited F. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations X. Mid-to-Late 1960's A. Rock Culture Firmly
Rooted 1. Shared and sustained by
Baby Boomers and Beatniks 2. Financially successful 3. Psychologically
gratifying 4. Socially coherent 5. Political mechanism for
protest B. Emergence of Art Rock 1. Older, better Rock
musicians bored 2. Extended forms, themes,
and musicality 3. More sophisticated,
older Rock audience C. Two Cultures Conflict 1. Rock culture growing
older but not really growing up 2. Increasingly rigid and
hostile Establishment culture D. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations XI. Late 1960's to Early
1970's A. Passive Resistance
Becomes Active 1. Mostly white student
radicals in academic setting 2. Ideal of quasi
communalism proclaimed B. Relativism Reaches Its
Peak 1. "Participatory
democracy" and curricular relevance run wild 2. Academic standards
diluted if not disgraced C. All Radical Movements Catalized by the Viet Nam War D. Civil Rights Movements
Erupts E. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations XII. Early to Mid-1970's A. "Radical
Sixties" Subside 1. Viet Nam War winds down 2. Protest movements peaked
out B. The "Me
Generation" Emerges 1. Indifference towards
protest 2. Concern for good jobs,
security, and material prosperity C. Rock Music Goes Big Time
1. As show business 2. Celebrities preempt
artistic concerns of Rock culture D. Women's Lib Movement
Emerges E. Baby Boomers Beginning
to Age 1. Yuppies elite minority 2. Downward mobile majority
3. Rock culture pervasively
sensate F. Rock Music Struggles
with and for Artistic Integrity 1. Fusion 2. The Pub/Punk Rock
protest movements begin G. Cult of Celebrity and
Corruption of Art Continues H. Representative Recordings,
Slides, and Musical Demonstrations XIII. Mid-to-Late 1970's A. The Pendulum of Protest
Swings Back Toward Anti-Establishment Activism 1. Anti-Rock establishment
(Superstars) 2. Older established
government and society B. Passive Pub Protest
Against Big Time Rock 'n' Roll C. Gross Aggressive Punk
Protest D. Pub/Punk Protest
Commercially Exploited E. Rise and Displacement of
Robotic Disco by Country and Western F. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations XIV. Late 1970's to Early
1980's A. Serious Pub/Punk Protest
Compromised 1. Artistic sell-out by big
time Rock 2. Poor people and Rockers
left behind B. Eviscerated Punk Becomes
Fashionable ("New Wave") C. Beginning of Rock
Altruism 1. Rock superstars become
"good cause" activists 2. Numerous super charity
concerts staged 3. Very little money
reaches the poor and needy D. Rock Videos Save the
Rock Recording Industry E. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations XV. Mid-to-Late 1980's A. "The Eclectic
Eighties" 1. Mixture of a wide
variety of styles 2. Amazing high technology 3. Nostalgia for the roots
of Rock 'n' Roll (Black R & B) B. Gathering Alarm about
Increasing Vulgarity, Violence, and Psycho-Sexual Aberrations 1. Mounting counter
counter-culture movement by Establishment academics and intellectuals,
including censorship 2. Beginnings of an
organized defense of Rock music and culture C. Representative
Recordings, Slides, and Musical Demonstrations XVI. Late 1980's to the
21st Century A. Impact of Rock Music and
Culture on American Civilization 1. Rock as a cause for
serious cultural change 2. Rock as a symptom of
deeper causes of a crisis in Western civilization B. Projections into the
1990's and beyond C. Arguments For and
Against Rock Music and Culture Reviewed and Balanced 1. Long range "lessons
of history" 2. Unique aspects of
American popular culture as exemplified by Rock 'n' Roll 3. Was--is--Rock a passing
fad or a true force for cultural change? D. Projective Recordings,
Slides, and Musical Demonstrations |