Maricopa Community Colleges  OSH101   19962-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval:  11-28-95

OSH101  1996 Spring – 2009 Fall


3 Credit(s)

3 Period(s)

Introduction to Environmental Hazardous Materials Technology

Overview of environmental hazardous materials technology. History of pollution leading to current legislation. Environmental effects of pollution. Overview of the regulatory framework. Career opportunities in handling and management of hazardous substances.

Prerequisites: None.

Cross-References: HMT101

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


OSH101  1996 Spring – 2009 Fall

Introduction to Environmental Hazardous Materials Technology



Define basic terms of the industry. (I)


Describe a site-specific safety and health plan. (II)


Complete a site characterization and analysis. (III)


Describe a site control program. (IV)


List the elements of a HAZWOPER training program. (V)


Explain the medical surveillance requirements. (VI)


Describe appropriate engineering controls, work practices, and personal protective equipment. (VII)


Explain required monitoring practices. (VIII)


List HAZWOPER informational programs. (IX)


Describe drum and container handling procedures. (X)


Discuss prescribed decontanimation procedures. (XI)


Describe an appropriate emergency response plan at uncontrolled waste sites. (XII)


Describe proper waste site illumination techniques. (XIII)


Describe appropriate sanitation conditions at temporary workplaces. (XIV)


List new technology programs. (XV)


Describe Resources Conservation and Recovery Act related operations. (XVI)


Describe emergency responses by employees not otherwise covered. (XVII)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


OSH101  1996 Spring – 2009 Fall

Introduction to Environmental Hazardous Materials Technology


I. Overview

A. Environmental Conservation Movement

B. Current Issues

C. Local Ordinances

D. Scope of Environmental Protection Worker/Health/Industry

II. Hazardous Materials

A. Chemical Overview/Fundamentals

B. Legal Definitions

C. Geneal Terminology/Nomenclature

D. Physical/Chemical/Biological Interactions


A. Inception of Agency

B. Hazardous Communications

C. Hazardous Site Worker Requirements

IV. Environmental Compartments

A. Air

B. Soil/Groundwater

C. Water/Surface

D. Solid Wastes

V. Air Pollution

A. Source and Control

B. Clean Air Act

C. Air Toxicx Regulations

D. Air Pollution

VI. Water Pollution

A. Ground Wate Pollution

B. Surface Waste Pollution

C. Clean Water Act

D. Simplified Geological and Hydrological Concepts

1. Quality and Sources

2. Treatment

E. Remedial Action Technologies

1. Monitoring

2. Sampling/Analyzing

VII. Hazardous Wastes/Materials Laws

A. Federal Laws and Regulations

B. Arizona Laws and Regulations

C. Comparisons of Federal and Arizona Laws

VIII. Governmental Processes

A. Legislation

B. Regulation: Applied Codes

C. Jurisdiction and Enforcement

D. Structure: Matrix

E. Legal Terminology/Ethics

IX. Hazardous Materials in Industry

A. Sources/Generations/Streams

B. Permitting/Licensing/Fees

C. Wastes

1. Treatment

2. Storage

3. Transportation/Manifesting

4. Disposal

X. Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies (RIFS): Preliminary Studies/Characterizations

A. Risk Assessment

B. Clean-up Plans

C. Waste Characterization Steps

XI. Career Opportunities

A. Competencies/Skills

B. Job Market

C. Licenses, Certificates, Etc.



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