Maricopa Community Colleges  MCO220   19956-20005 
Official Course Description:   MCCCD Approval:  05/23/95  
MCO220      19956-20005 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Cultural Diversity and the Media
Images of the diverse cultures and gender issues within the U.S. media. Exploration of racial and gender roles which shape the media as well as media roles which influence U.S. race relations and racial change. Roles, contributions, and challenges of the minority press in the United States. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
MCO220   19956-20005 Cultural Diversity and the Media
1. Trace the history of images left by the media of various diverse populations in the United States. (I)
2. Explain the effects of certain images of diverse populations on race relations in the United States. (I)
3. Identify and exemplify major contributions of minority journalists to the media and entertainment industries in the United States. (II)
4. Explain the impact that the Affirmative Action process is having on recruitment and employment of minority journalists in the majority press. (II)
5. List and describe some common roles and challenges of minority journalists in the majority press. (III)
6. Describe the history, contributions, challenges, and future trends of the African-American media in the United States. (III)
7. Describe the history, contributions, challenges, and future trends of the Hispanic media in the United States. (III)
8. Describe the history, contributions, challenges, and future trends of the American Indian media in the United States. (III)
9. Describe the history, contributions, challenges, and future trends of the Asian-American media in the United States. (III)
10. Describe the history, contributions, challenges, and future trends of protected classes (such as older American, women, homosexuals, and the physically challenged) in the U.S. press and media. (III)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
MCO220   19956-20005 Cultural Diversity and the Media
    I. Images of Diverse Culture and Sexual Identities in the Media
        A. Origins
        B. Impact
        C. Effects on race and cultural relations
        D. Coverage of diverse cultures by the press
      II. Minorities in the News and Media Industries
          A. Historical background
          B. Contributions to the news media and entertainment industries
          C. Current issues and agendas
          D. Affirmative Action and the press
          E. Recruitment programs
          F. Roles and challenges of minority journalists in the majority media
          G. Professional organizations
        III. Minority Presses in the United States
            A. The African American press and media industries
              1. Historical development
              2. Contributions, roles, and challenges
              3. Trends for the future
            B. The Hispanic press and media industries
              1. Historical development
              2. Contributions, roles, and challenges
              3. Trends for the future
            C. The American Indian press and media industries
              1. Historical development
              2. Contributions, roles, and challenges
              3. Trends for the future
            D. Gender issues in the press and media industries
              1. Historical development
              2. Contributions, roles, and challenges
              3. Trends for the future
            E. Sexual preference in the press and media industries
              1. Historical development
              2. Contributions, roles, and challenges
              3. Trends for the future
            F. Age issues in the press and media industries
              1. Historical development
              2. Contributions, roles, and challenges
              3. Trends for the future
            G. Issues of the physically challenged in the press and media industries
              1. Historical development
              2. Contributions, roles, and challenges
              3. Trends for the future
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