Maricopa Community Colleges  PHY121   19946-19965 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 05/24/94
PHY121 19946-19965 LEC
4 Credit(s)
0 Credit(s)
3 Period(s)
3 Period(s)
University Physics I: Mechanics
Kinematics, Newton's laws, work, energy, momentum, conservation laws, dynamics of particles, solids, fluids, mechanical waves, and sound. Prerequisites: MAT220, or MAT223, or department consent. One year of High School physics or PHY111 and PHY112 suggested but not required.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
PHY121   19946-19965 University Physics I: Mechanics
1. Use fundamental physical laws and principles to solve problems encountered in academic and nonacademic environments. (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII)
2. Develop and use models that closely represent actual physical situations. (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII)
3. Apply problem solving techniques in terms of logic, efficiency, and effectiveness. (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII)
4. Solve problems beyond the level of plug-in type problems. (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII)
5. Solve practical engineering and science problems. (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
PHY121   19946-19965 University Physics I: Mechanics
    I. Units and Physical Quantities
        A. Standards and units
        B. Precision and significant figures
      II. Vectors
          A. Addition
          B. Unit vectors
          C. Products
            1. Dot
            2. Cross
        III. Equilibrium of Particles and Rigid Bodies
            A. Force
            B. Torque
            C. Newton's first law
            D. Newton's second law
            E. Idealized model
            F. Friction
              1. Static
              2. Dynamic
            G. Center of mass and center of gravity
          IV. One and Two-Dimensional Motion
              A. Velocity
                1. Average
                2. Instantaneous
              B. Acceleration
                1. Average
                2. Instantaneous
              C. Projectile motion
              D. Circular motion
                1. Horizontal
                2. Vertical
              E. Satellite motion
              F. Effect of earth's rotation on g
              G. Relative velocity
            V. Rotational Motion
                A. Angular velocity
                B. Angular acceleration
                C. Relation between angular and linear velocity and acceleration
                D. Moments of inertia
              VI. Newton's Second Law and Gravitation
                  A. Newton's second law
                    1. Mass
                    2. Systems and units
                  B. Newton's law of gravitation: weight
                VII. Work and Energy
                    A. Work
                      1. Conservative
                      2. Dissipative
                      3. Internal
                    B. Energy
                      1. Gravitational potential
                      2. Elastic potential
                      3. Kinetic: linear and rotational
                    C. Conservation of energy
                    D. Power
                  VIII. Momentum
                      A. Impulse and momentum
                        1. Linear
                        2. Angular
                      B. Conservation of momentum
                        1. Linear
                        2. Angular
                      C. Interaction
                        1. Elastic collisions
                        2. Inelastic collisions
                        3. Separations and recoil
                    IX. Elasticity
                        A. Stress
                        B. Strain
                        C. Elasticity and plasticity
                        D. Elastic modulus
                      X. Periodic Motion
                          A. Simple harmonic motion
                            1. Circle of reference
                            2. Pendulums
                            3. Angular harmonic motion
                        XI. Fluid Statics and Dynamics
                            A. Fluid static pressure
                              1. Archimedes' principle
                              2. Fluid pressure
                              3. Gauges
                              4. Pumps
                            B. Surface tension
                              1. Pressure differential across a surface film
                              2. Contact angle and capillarity
                            C. Fluid dynamics
                              1. Continuity equation
                              2. Bernoulli's equation
                              3. Viscosity: Reynolds number
                          XII. Mechanical Waves and Vibrations in Matter
                              A. Periodic waves
                              B. Transverse waves
                              C. Longitudinal waves
                              D. Boundary conditions
                                1. Fixed
                                2. Free
                              E. Interference
                              F. Resonance
                              G. Sound waves
                                1. Intensity
                                2. Quality
                                3. Pitch
                                4. Doppler effect
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