Maricopa Community Colleges  OAS108   19946-19982 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 05/24/94
OAS108 19946-19982 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Business English
Comprehensive coverage of correct use of English grammar including spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and number style mechanics in a business context. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
OAS108   19946-19982 Business English
1. Use a dictionary to determine spelling, meaning, pronunciation, syllabication, accent, word usage, and word history. (I)
2. Describe how reference manuals differ from dictionaries. (I)
3. List and define the eight parts of speech. (II)
4. Recognize and describe sentence elements, faults, patterns, and types. (III)
5. Form various plurals. (IV)
6. Use apostrophe construction in making nouns possessive. (V)
7. Recognize and use personal pronouns correctly. (VI)
8. Identify and use verbs correctly. (VII)
9. Recognize and use modifying and connecting words correctly. (VIII)
10. Identify simple, compound, and complex sentences. (VIII)
11. Punctuate sentences using commas, semicolons, colons, question marks, quotation marks, exclamation points, dashes, parentheses, and periods. (IX)
12. Apply rules of capitalization. (X)
13. Apply rules for writing numbers. (XI)
14. Revise and compose sentences that are efficient, clear, emphatic, and coherent. (XII)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
OAS108   19946-19982 Business English
    I. Reference Skills
        A. Dictionaries
          1. Types
          2. Usage
        B. Reference manuals
      II. Parts of Speech
          A. Nouns
          B. Pronouns
          C. Verbs
          D. Adjectives
          E. Adverbs
          F. Prepositions
          G. Conjunctions
          H. Interjections
        III. Sentences
            A. Elements
              1. Subjects and predicates
              2. Sense
            B. Faults
              1. Fragments
              2. Comma splice
              3. Run-on
            C. Patterns
              1. Subject-verb
              2. Subject-action verb -object
              3. Subject-linking verb-complement
            D. Types
              1. Statements
              2. Questions
              3. Commands
              4. Exclamations
          IV. Plurals
              A. Nouns ending in y, o, and f
              B. Compound nouns
              C. Numerals
              D. Letters
              E. Degrees
              F. Abbreviations
              G. Combined ownership nouns
            V. Possessives
                A. Animate versus inanimate nouns
                B. Descriptive versus possessive nouns
                C. Compound nouns
                D. Incomplete possessives
                E. Separate or combined ownership
                F. Organizational names
                G. Abbreviations
                H. Awkward construction
                I. Proper nouns
              VI. Personal Pronouns
                  A. Case
                    1. Nominative
                    2. Objective
                    3. Possessive
                  B. Compound subjects and objects
                  C. Comparatives
                  D. Appositives
                  E. Reflexive
                  F. Subject complement
                  G. Infinitive "to be"
                    1. Without a subject
                    2. With a subject
                  H. Antecedent agreement
                VII. Verbs
                    A. Kinds
                      1. Transitive
                      2. Intransitive
                      3. Linking
                    B. Voices
                      1. Active
                      2. Passive
                    C. Subjunctive mood
                    D. Tenses
                      1. Present
                      2. Past
                      3. Future
                      4. Emphatic
                    E. Participles
                      1. Present
                      2. Past
                    F. Irregular
                    G. Subject agreement
                    H. Verbals
                      1. Gerunds
                      2. Infinitives
                      3. Participles
                      4. Punctuating
                      5. Misplaced modifiers
                  VIII. Modifying and Connecting Words
                      A. Adjective and adverbs
                      B. Prepositions
                      C. Conjunctions to join equals
                        1. Coordinating
                        2. Conjunctive adverbs
                      D. Conjunctions to join unequals
                        1. Subordinating
                        2. Independent and dependent clauses
                        3. Relative pronouns
                    IX. Punctuation
                        A. Comma
                        B. Semi-colon
                        C. Colon
                        D. Question mark
                        E. Quotation marks
                        F. Exclamation point
                        G. Dashes
                        H. Parentheses
                        I. Period
                      X. Capitalization
                          A. Proper nouns and adjectives
                          B. Other rules
                        XI. Numbers
                            A. Figures
                            B. Word forms
                          XII. Sentence Construction
                              A. Revising wordy phrases
                              B. Eliminating redundant words
                              C. Using the active voice
                              D. Writing unified sentences
                              E. Developing parallel construction
                              F. Avoiding misplaced modifiers
                              G. Improving pronoun references
                              H. Emphasizing through subordination
                              I. Using concrete words
                              J. Attaining coherence through transition
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