Maricopa Community Colleges  PHY112   19936-19955 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 03/23/93
PHY112 19936-19955 LEC
4 Credit(s)
0 Credit(s)
3 Period(s)
3 Period(s)
General Physics II
Includes electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Prerequisites: PHY105 or PHY111.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
PHY112   19936-19955 General Physics II
1. Describe the electrical nature of matter. (I, IV)
2. Describe the basic concepts of electric and magnetic fields. (II, IV)
3. Compute such electric field characteristics as field strength, potential energy, and potential difference. (II)
4. Measure simple direct current circuit characteristics. (III)
5. Demonstrate the hand rules of magnetic fields and forces. (IV)
6. Identify the conditions which produce electromagnetic induction. (V)
7. Differentiate between the effects of capacitive and inductive reactance in an alternating circuit. (VI, VII)
8. Differentiate between transverse and longitudinal waves. (VIII)
9. Use the principles of refraction and reflection to predict the direction of light. (VIII, IX)
10. Apply the properties of lenses and mirrors to explain the action of telescopes and microscopes in the control of light. (IX)
11. Describe the action of wave superposition in the phenomena of light interference and diffraction. (X)
12. Explain the role of the particle and wave models of light to describe common light phenomena. (X, XII)
13. Describe the results of measurements of time, space, and mass under relativistic conditions. (XI)
14. Describe the significance of the Bohr atom in the development of atomic models. (XIII)
15. Identify the nuclear processes of radioactivity, fission, and fusion and their application in modern society. (XIV)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
PHY112   19936-19955 General Physics II
    I. Electric charge
        A. Coulomb's law
        B. Electrical nature of matter
        C. Conduction in solids, liquids, and gases
      II. Electric field
          A. Meaning and representation of field
          B. Electric field strength
          C. Electric potential energy
          D. Potential difference
        III. Electric current
            A. Ohm's law
            B. Restivity
            C. Resistors in series and parallel
            D. Power and energy
            E. Kirchoff's rules
          IV. Magnetic fields
              A. Nature of magnetism
              B. Magnetic field
              C. Field of a current
              D. Field of coils
              E. Forces and torques
            V. Electromagnetic induction
                A. Electromagnetic induction and Faraday's law
                B. Lenz's law
                C. Generators and counter emf
                D. Transformers
              VI. Capacitance and inductance
                  A. Electric field energy
                  B. Capacitance
                  C. Magnetic field energy
                  D. Inductance
                VII. Alternating current
                    A. Effective voltage and current
                    B. Inductive reactance
                    C. Capacitive reactance
                    D. Impedance
                    E. Resonance
                  VIII. Geometrical optics
                      A. Elelctromagnetic waves
                      B. Reflection
                      C. Refraction
                      D. Total internal reflection
                    IX. Lenses
                        A. Lenses and image formation
                        B. Lens equation
                        C. Magnification
                        D. Telescopes and microscopes
                        E. Lens aberrations
                      X. Physical optics
                          A. Interference of light
                          B. Diffraction of light
                          C. Polarization
                        XI. Relativity
                            A. Special relativity
                            B. Relativity of time
                            C. Relativity of space
                            D. Relativity of mass
                          XII. Particles and waves
                              A. Photoelectric effect
                              B. Quantum theory of light
                              C. X-rays
                              D. Matter waves
                              E. Uncertainty principle
                            XIII. Hydrogen atom
                                A. Energy levels
                                B. Atomic spectra
                                C. Bohr model
                                D. Atomic excitation
                              XIV. The nucleus
                                  A. Nuclear structure
                                  B. Binding energy
                                  C. Radioactivity
                                  D. Fission
                                  E. Fusion
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