Maricopa Community Colleges  PIM115   19926-19955 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 05/26/92
PIM115 19926-19955 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Beginning Pima Conversation
Conversational Pima. Basic sentence structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary necessary to develop speaking ability in Pima. Designed to develop speaking and listening abilities, with little emphasis on grammar. Prerequisites: None.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
PIM115   19926-19955 Beginning Pima Conversation
1. Identify basic Pima language structure. (I)
2. Pronounce Pima words using correct sound patterns and intonations. (II)
3. Use Pima phrases and expressions correctly, including greetings, introductions, and farewells. (III)
4. Give time expressions in Pima correctly. (IV)
5. Ask, give, and follow simple directions and commands. (V)
6. Apply numbers in the Pima language correctly. (VI)
7. Use Pima vocabulary to converse with and about family. (VII)
8. Identify various parts of the body using Pima vocabulary. (VII)
9. Use Pima language to identify household items and spatial locations. (VII)
10. Use Pima vocabulary when discussing foods, prices, and purchases. (VII)
11. Dialogue in Pima during specific situations. (VIII)
12. Identify historical Pima village and battle locations and the types of weapons used. (IX)
13. Identify and describe contemporary Pima activities, to include terms subscribed to by the tribe. (IX)
14. Compare and contrast Pima/Anglo culture. (IX)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
PIM115   19926-19955 Beginning Pima Conversation
    I. Basic Pima Language Structure
        A. Idioms
        B. Everyday Usage Problems
      II. Pima Pronunciation
          A. Sound Patterns
          B. Intonations
        III. Pima Phrases/Expressions
            A. Greetings
            B. Introductions
            C. Farewells
          IV. Tim Expressions
              A. Days of the Week
              B. Months of the Year
              C. Other
            V. Pima Directions and Commands
                A. Following
                B. Understanding
                C. Direct Discourse
              VI. Numbers
                  A. Ordinals
                  B. Cardinals
                VII. Vocabulary Development
                    A. Family
                    B. Parts of the Body
                    C. Household Items
                    D. Spatial Locations
                    E. Food
                    F. Money Exchange
                  VIII. Situational Dialogues
                      A. Restaurants
                      B. Post Office
                      C. Hotels
                      D. Banks
                      E. Vacation
                    IX. Pima World/Culture
                        A. Historial Villages
                        B. Famous Battles
                        C. Names of Weapons
                        D. Contemporary Activities
                        E. Tribal Terms
                        F. Pima/Anglo Culture
                          1. Similarities
                          2. Differences
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