Maricopa Community Colleges  MHL143   19926-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 5-26-1992

MHL143  1992 Fall – 2000 Fall

LEC  3.0 Credit(s)  3.0 Period(s)  3.0 Load  Acad

Music in World Cultures

Non-European musical traditions including the study of music in rituals, musical instruments and the impact of cultures on musical styles.

Prerequisites: None.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


MHL143  1992 Fall – 2000 Fall

Music in World Cultures



List the major Asian linguistic groups. (I)


List the musical traits common to the Asian linguistic groups. (I)


Identify various uses of music in cultures. (I)


Compare the culture and music from the Han dynasty to that of the T'ang Dynasty. (II)


Define "Noh" music. (II)


Identify the musical elements of Buddhist rituals. (III)


Describe the uses of music in the Hindu and Muslim religions. (III)


List the improvised elements in Hindustani and Karnatak Ragas. (III)


Identify the sociological uses of music in Polynesia. (IV)


Cite musical examples of rituals of succession, hunting, and work. (IV)


List the elements of melody found in sub-Saharan cultures. (V)


Identify the sounds of sub-Saharan instruments. (V)


List the prominent ethnic groups in Ethiopian society. (V)


Compare musical styles found among Ethiopian cultures. (V)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


MHL143  1992 Fall – 2000 Fall

Music in World Cultures


I. Music as Phenomenon of culture

A. Neolithic

B. Geographical Distribution of Music and Linguistics

1. Movement of people and cultures

2. Origins of cultural musical traits

3. Commonalities founds in musical material

C. Music as a link to the cultural tradition

1. Teaching music in nonliterate cultures

2. Sociological uses of music

3. How musical traditions change

II. Music in the Far East

A. China

1. Neolithic Evidence 246 B.C.

2. Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) - A.D. 220

3. Penetration of cultures from central Asia; 500 A.D. through Sui and T'ang Dynasties

B. Japan

1. Chinese influence

2. Court music 794-1185 A.D.

3. "Noh" music

III. Music in the Middle East

A. Migration and influences into Indochina

1. Buddhism and music in rituals

B. India

1. Music and the vital link to religion (Hindu/Muslim)

2. Indian musical instruments

3. Karnatak music

4. Improvisational aspects of Hindustani or Karnatak Ragas

IV. Island Music

A. Musical origins

B. Isolation after the migrations

C. Visual aspects of traditional island music

D. Use of music for social classification

V. Music in Africa

A. Sub-Saharan Africa

1. Pre European or Asian traditional music

2. Music in tradition and ritual

3. Melody and vocal styles

4. Rhythm and instruments

B. Ethiopia

1. Boarder less ethnic groups and the crossroads of many musical influences

2. Status of musicians in Ethiopian society

3. Instruments and style


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