Maricopa Community Colleges  NUR158   20074-99999 

Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval:  12-14-2010

NUR158  2011 Summer I – 2011 Fall

LEC  6.0 Credit(s)  4.0 Period(s)  4.0 Load  Occ

LAB  0.0 Credit(s)  6.0 Period(s)  4.8 Load

Nurse Assisting

Introduction to the role of the nursing assistant for clients across the wellness/illness continuum within the nurse assisting scope of practice. Includes basic problem solving processes specific to meeting the basic and holistic needs of clients, therapeutic communication skills essential for the nursing assistant, interventions to ensure the needs and safety of the client, specific types of diseases, conditions and alterations in behavior of the client, and principles of nutrition and fluid balance. Focus is on special needs of the elder client in the acute and long-term care settings, and basic emergency care skills and procedures. Provides opportunity for the development of clinical competency in the performance of selected nurse assisting skills and procedures through participation in the care of clients.

Prerequisites: Completed Health and Safety Documentation Form (proof of immunity or immunizations for Rubella, Rubeola, Mumps, Varicella, Hepatitis B, Td, current TB testing, current HealthCare Provider CPR card and current Fingerprint Clearance Card) and completed Health Care Provider Signature form.

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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:


NUR158  2011 Summer I – 2011 Fall

Nurse Assisting



Describe the different types of health care facilities and regulatory agencies. (I)


Describe the roles and responsibilities of the health care team. (II)


Describe the role of the nurse assistant in caring for elder clients and those with alterations in health. (III)


Describe the roles and responsibilities of the nurse assistant related to ethical and legal standards of the profession. (IV)


Use simple problem solving skills when giving care to elderly clients and clients with alterations in health. (V)


Describe professional communication skills specific to the nurse assistant as a member of the health care team. (VI)


Describe select nurse assisting interventions designed to meet the holistic needs of clients. (VII)


Describe basic nurse assisting skills to ensure a safe environment and personal safety for the client. (VIII)


Describe specific caring behaviors that are important when caring for clients and communicating with members of the health care team. (IX)


Describe the signs and symptoms of specific diseases, conditions and alterations in client behavior. (X)


Apply the principles of nutrition and fluid balance to client care. (XI)


Describe the special care needs of elder clients in the acute and long term care settings. (XII)


Describe the basic skills and procedures needed for clients in emergency situations. (XIII)


Perform basic therapeutic, maintenance, and preventative interventions identified in the client's plan of care appropriate to the nurse assistant role. (XIV)


Function as a member of the health care team within the health care facility (XV)


Demonstrate behaviors that are in accord with accepted standards of practice and ethical guidelines within the role of the nurse assistant. (XV)


Demonstrate simple problem solving to provide care to clients with alterations in health under the direction of the nursing staff. (XVI)


Demonstrate appropriate communication skills with clients with alterations in health. (XVII)


Demonstrate caring behaviors when interacting with clients in acute and long term agencies. (XVIII)


Demonstrate skills necessary to ensure a safe environment and protection of the client. (XIX)


Implement nursing assistant skills that relate to basic and holistic client needs. (XX)


Communicate client response to appropriate nursing personnel through recording and reporting. (XXI)


Apply common medical terms used for the simple organization of the body, major organs and medical abbreviations. (XXII)

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MCCCD Official Course Outline:


NUR158  2011 Summer I – 2011 Fall

Nurse Assisting


I. Health Care Facilities and Regulatory Agencies

A. Acute

B. Long-term

C. Rehabilitation

D. Assisted living

E. Hospice

F. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

G. Occupational Safety and Health Administration

H. Medicare and Medicaid

II. Health Care Team roles and responsibilities

A. Registered Nurse

B. Licensed Practical Nurse

C. Nurse Practitioner, Physician, Dietician, Physical and Speech Therapist, Social Worker

III. Role of the Nurse Assistant

A. Nursing process and role of nurse assistant

B. Basic problem solving skills and planning of care

C. Observation and reporting

D. Elements of the client record and documentation

E. Principles of patient teaching

F. Steps in discharge planning

IV. Roles and Responsibilities of the Nurse Assistant

A. Role and responsibilities

B. Scope of practice

C. Credentialing

D. Ethical and legal considerations

V. Problem Solving Skills

A. Implementing the nursing care plan

B. Observing and reporting

C. Principles of growth and development

D. Care of the client with health alterations

E. Care of the elderly client

F. Care of the client with mental health disorders

VI. Professional Communication Skills

A. Professional relationships

B. Therapeutic relationships

C. Communicating with the health care team

VII. Holism

A. Cultural sensitivity

B. Spiritual needs

C. Social needs

D. Physical needs

VIII. Safety

A. Principles of environmental safety

B. Client safety and mobility

C. Infection control

D. Principles of personal safety

E. Home care

IX. Caring

A. Principles of caring

B. Empathy

C. Sensitivity

D. Respect for clients

E. Respect for members of the health care team

X. Signs and Symptoms of Common Diseases and Conditions

A. Respiratory system

B. Cardiovascular system

C. Musculoskeletal system

D. Nervous system

E. Endocrine system

F. Integumentary system

G. Gastrointestinal system

H. Urinary system

I. Reproductive system

XI. Principles of Nutrition and Fluid Balance

A. Normal nutrition

B. Essential nutrients

C. Special diets

D. Supplements

E. Fluid Balance

XII. Special Care Needs of Elder Clients

A. Aging process

B. Adaptations needed for elder client care

C. Grief and loss

D. Emotional and spiritual needs of dying clients and their families

XIII. Emergency Situations

A. Guideline for responding to emergencies

B. Dealing with emergencies

C. First aid procedures

D. Cardiac arrest

XIV. Nurse Assistant Interventions and Clinical Skills

A. Assisting with client care

B. Vital signs

C. Height and weight

D. Transferring and ambulating

E. Personal hygiene and grooming

F. Maintenance of health and well-being

G. Special needs of the elderly

H. Intervention specific to health alteration

I. Care of the surgical client

J. Demonstration of emergency procedures

XV. Standards of Practice

A. Scope of practice

B. Ethical guidelines

C. Legal guidelines

D. Roles and responsibility

XVI. Use of Problem Solving Skills

A. Simple problem solving skills

B. Nursing process and nursing care plans

C. Teaching opportunities

XVII. Communication Skills

A. Professional behavior

B. Therapeutic relationships

C. Communicating with the health care team

XVIII. Caring

A. Demonstration of empathy

B. Demonstration of sensitivity

C. Respect for clients

D. Respect for members of the health care team

E. General comfort measures

XIX. Promotion of Client Safety

A. Prevention of injury to clients

B. Environmental cleanliness

C. Standard precautions

D. Isolation precautions

XX. Basic and Holistic Client Needs

A. Nutrition

B. Sleep and rest

C. Elimination needs

D. Spiritual needs

E. Psychosocial needs

F. Cultural sensitivity

G. Family needs

XXI. Recording and Reporting

A. Client care records

B. Observation skills

XXII. Basic Medical Terminology

A. Prefixes, suffixes and root words

B. Abbreviations and Symbols

C. Body Structure, System and Organization

D. Anatomic terms


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