Maricopa Community Colleges

Official Course Description:  MCCCD Approval: 5-26-2009

NUR160PN  2009 Fall – 2010 Fall

L+L  11.0 Credit(s)   22.0 Period(s)  18.7 Load  Occ

Practical Nursing Theory and Science I

Core values of the practical nursing program, nursing history, standards, and scope of practice of the practical nurse.  Safe nursing care of clients with selected alterations in health; fundamental concepts of health promotion, disease/illness prevention.  Nursing care based upon integration of pathophysiology, nutrition, communication and physical, biological, and psycho-social sciences.  Uses information technology in performing and documenting client care.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Fast Track Practical Nursing Program.


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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:



NUR160PN  2009 Fall – 2010 Fall

Practical Nursing Theory and Science I


1.          Identify key historical developments in the nursing profession. (I)

2.          Define the core values of the practical nurse program. (I)

3.          Describe the role of the practical nurse and other healthcare team members. (I, II, III VI)             

4.          Identify basic critical thinking skills and problem-solving to provide holistic nursing care to clients. (I, III)

5.          Recognize standards of care that provide the foundation for safe nursing care. (I, V, VI)

6.          Demonstrate culturally sensitive care. (II, IV)

7.          Identify methods and techniques in which caring is communicated in the nurse- client relationship. (II, VI)

8.          Describe the phases of the nursing process. (III)

9.          Describe the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of selected body systems. (III)

10.        Describe data collection techniques to assist with identification of normal and abnormal findings. (III)

11.        Identify principles of nutrition in the care of clients. (III, IV, V)

12.        Implement nursing interventions that provide basic care and comfort measures. (III, V)

13.        Describe types, classifications, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamic properties of selected drugs. (III, V)

14.        Identify basic health promotion, disease/illness prevention, and health restoration strategies for adult and geriatric clients. (IV)

15.        Identify developmental stages and transitions for adult and geriatric clients (IV, V)

16.        Describe principles of microbiology as related to care of clients in various settings. (V)

17.        Apply principles of safe medication administration for adult and geriatric clients. (V)

18.        Calculate medication dosages safely and accurately. (V)

19.        Identify nursing and assistive personnel roles during internal and external disasters (V)

20.        Perform selected clinical skills/procedures for clients within the guidelines of safe practice. (V)

21.        Examine the scope of practice and legal and ethical issues for the practical nurse. (VI)

22.        Use information technology in the delivery of client care. (VII)


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MCCCD Official Course Outline:



NUR160PN  2009 Fall – 2010 Fall

Practical Nursing Theory and Science I


I.          Introduction to Nursing

            A.        History of Nursing

            B         Core Values of the Practical Nursing Program

                        1.         Caring

                        2.         Critical Thinking

                        3.         Holism

                        4.         Safe Practice

                        5.         Role Development

                        6.         Information Technology and Management

II.        Caring for the Adult/Geriatric Client

            A.        Therapeutic Communication

            B.        Therapeutic Environment

            C.        Nurse-Client Relationships

                        1.         Professional Boundaries

            D.        Support Systems

III.       Critical Thinking

            A.        Elements of Critical Thinking

            B.        Nursing Process

                        1.         Data Collection

                                    a.         Components of a Health History

                                    b.         Data Collection Techniques

                                                (1)        Inspection

                                                (2)        Palpation

                                                (3)        Auscultation

                                                (4)        Head to Toe

                                                (5)        Focused

                                    c.         Vital Signs, Height and Weight

                                    d.         Laboratory Values

                        2.         Planning

                        3.         Implementation

                        4.         Evaluation

                                    a.         Monitoring and Reporting Client Progress

                                                (1)        Situation Background Assessment Recommendation (SBAR)

                                    b.         Identification of Complications

                        5.         Documentation

            C.        Care of Adult/Geriatric Clients with Alterations of the Musculoskeletal System

                        1.         Anatomy and Physiology

                        2.         Pathophysiological Concepts

                        3.         Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations

                                    a.         Normal Findings

                                    b.         Abnormal Findings and Significance

                                    c.         Potential Complications

                                    d.         Practical Nurse Responsibilities

                        4.         Selected Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System

                        5.         Medical Management

                        6.         Nursing Process

                        7.         Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics for Selected Pharmacological Classifications

            D.        Care of Adult/Geriatric Clients with Sensory/Perceptual Alterations

                        1.         Anatomy and Physiology

                        2.         Pathophysiological Concepts

                        3.         Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations

                                    a.         Normal Findings

                                    b.         Abnormal Findings and Significance

                                    c.         Potential Complications

                                    d.         Practical Nurse Responsibilities

                        4.         Selected Sensory/Perceptual Disorders

                        5.         Medical Management

                        6.         Nursing Process

                        7.         Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics for Selected Pharmacological Classifications

            E.         Care of Adult/Geriatric Clients with Alterations of the Endocrine System

                        1.         Anatomy and Physiology

                        2.         Pathophysiological Concepts

                        3.         Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations

                                    a.         Normal Findings

                                    b.         Abnormal Findings and Significance

                                    c.         Potential Complications

                                    d.         Practical Nurse Responsibilities

                        4.         Selected Disorders of the Endocrine System

                        5.         Medical Management

                        6.         Nursing Process

                        7.         Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics for Selected Pharmacological Classifications

            F.         Care of Adult/Geriatric Clients with Alterations of the Integumentary System

                        1.         Anatomy and Physiology

                        2.         Pathophysiological Concepts

                        3.         Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations

                                    a.         Normal Findings

                                    b.         Abnormal Findings and Significance

                                    c.         Potential Complications

                                    d.         Practical Nurse Responsibilities

                        4.         Selected Disorders of the Integumentary System

                        5.         Medical Management

                        6.         Nursing Process

                        7.         Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics for Selected Pharmacological Classifications

            G.        Care of Adult/Geriatric Clients with Alterations of the Digestive System

                        1.         Anatomy and Physiology

                        2.         Pathophysiological Concepts

                        3.         Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations

                                    a.         Normal Findings

                                    b.         Abnormal Findings and Significance

                                    c.         Potential Complications

                                    d.         Practical Nurse Responsibilities

                        4.         Selected Disorders of the Digestive System

                        5.         Medical Management

                        6.         Nursing Process

                        7.         Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics for Selected Pharmacological Classifications

            H.        Care of Adult/Geriatric Clients with Cancer

                        1.         Pathophysiological Concepts

                        2.         Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations

                                    a.         Normal Findings

                                    b.         Abnormal Findings and Significance

                                    c.         Potential Complications

                                    d.         Practical Nurse Responsibilities

                        3.         Medical Management

                        4.         Nursing Process

                        5.         Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics for Selected Pharmacological Classifications

            I.          Care of Adult/Geriatric Clients in the Peri-operative Setting

                        1.         Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations

                                    a.         Normal Findings

                                    b.         Abnormal Findings and Significance

                                    c.         Potential Complications

                                    d.         Practical Nurse Responsibilities

                        2.         Nursing Process

                                    a.         Preoperative

                                    b.         Intraoperative

                                    c.         Postoperative

                        3.         Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics for Selected Pharmacological Classifications

            J.          Care of Adult/Geriatric Clients with Psychological/Mental Health Disorders

                        1.         Mental Health/Illness Concepts

                                    a.         Coping/Defense Mechanisms

                                    b.         Stress Management

                        2.         Behavior Management

                        3.         Grief and Loss

                        4.         Abuse and Neglect

                        5.         Suicide/Violence Prevention and Precautions

                        6.         Crisis Intervention

                        7.         Selected Psychological/Mental Health Disorders

                                    a.         Anxiety Disorders

                                    b.         Affective Disorders

                                    c.         Cognitive Disorders

                                    d.         Substance-Related Disorders

                        8.         Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics for Selected Pharmacological Classifications

IV.       Holism

            A.        Religious and Spiritual Influences on Health

            B.        Cultural Awareness

            C.        Life Span Development of the Adult/Geriatric Client

                        1.         Basic Human Needs

                        2.         Developmental Stages and Transitions for Adult/Geriatric Clients

                                    a.         Aging Process

                                    b.         Theories of Aging

                        3.         Expected/Unexpected Body Image Changes

                        4.         End of Life Care / Concepts

                        5.         Situational Role Changes

            D.        Self-Care for Adult/Geriatric Client

                        1.         Basic Care and Comfort

                        2.         Assistive Devices

                        3.         Elimination

                        4.         Mobility/Immobility

                        5.         Nutrition and Oral Hydration

                                    a.         Introduction to Fluid and Electrolytes

                                    b.         Introduction to Acid/Base Balance

                        6.         Personal Hygiene

                        7.         Rest and Sleep

                        8.         Pain Management

                                    a.         Pharmacological Palliative/ Comfort Care Measures

                                    b.         Non-pharmacological Palliative/Comfort Care Measures

            E.         Health Promotion and Disease Prevention for the Adult/Geriatric Client

                        1.         Risk Factors

                        2.         Health Screening Programs

                        3.         Adult Immunizations

                        4.         Lifestyle Choices

                        5.         High Risk Behaviors

                        6.         Referral Process

                        7.         Continuity of Care

V.        Safe Practice

            A.        Accident/Error/Injury Prevention

            B.        Reporting of Incident/Event/Variance

            C.        Internal and External Disaster Plans

            D.        Handling Hazardous and Infectious Materials

            E.         Ergonomic Principles

            F.         Use of Restraints and Safety Devices

            G.        Home Safety

            H.        Security Plan

            I.          Microbiology Principles

                        1.         Chain of Transmission

                        2.         Medical and Surgical Asepsis

                        3.         Standard/Transmission-Based/Other Precautions

                        4.         Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics for Selected Pharmacological Classifications

            J.          Potential for Complications of Diagnostic Tests/Treatments/Procedures

            K.        Pharmacology

                        1.         U.S. Drug Legislation

                        2.         Nomenclature

                        3.         Overview of Drug Classifications

                        4.         Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacokinetics

                                    a.         Basic Principles for the Adult/Geriatric Client

                        5.         Expected Effects

                        6.         Side Effects

                        7.         Adverse Effects

                        8.         Contraindications

                        9.         Medication Compatibility/Incompatibility

                        10.       Pharmacological Actions

            L.         Medication Administration of Parenteral and Enteral Medications

                        1.         Medication Orders

                        2.         Drug Preparations

                        3.         Dosage Calculations

                        4.         Preparation of Medications

                                    a.         Three Checks

                                    b.         Six Rights

                        5.         Medication Administration Methods

                        6.         Documentation

                                    a.         Medication Administration Record (MAR)

            M.        Selected Clinical Skills/Therapeutic Procedures

                        1.         Role of the Practical Nurse

                        2.         Safe Use of Equipment

                        3.         Admission/Transfer/Discharge Procedures

                        4.         Wound Care

                        5.         Care of the Patient Receiving Heat/Cold Therapy

                        6.         Care of the Patient Receiving Oxygen Therapy

                        7.         Care of the Patient with a Urinary Catheter

                        8.         Care of the Patient with an Ostomy

                        9.         Care of the Patient with a Nasogastric/Feeding Tube

VI.       Role Development

            A.        Roles and Responsibilities of the Practical Nurse

                        1.         Manager of Care

                        2.         Provider of Care

                        3.         Member of the Profession

                                    a.         Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Team

            B.        Practical Nursing Practice

                        1.         Standards of Practice

                                    a.         Standards of Care

                        2.         Nurse Practice Act

                                    a.         Scope of Practice

                                    b.         Licensure

                        3.         Legal and Ethical Practice

                                    a.         Code of Ethics

                        4.         Advanced Directives

                        5.         Confidentiality/Information Security

                        6.         Informed Consent

                        7.         Client Advocacy

                        8.         Client Rights

                        9.         Performance/Quality Improvement (QI)

                        10.       Resource Management

VII.     Information Management and Technology

            A.        Documentation

                        1.         Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

            B.        Client Report

            C.        Online Databases and Library Resources


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