Maricopa Community Colleges  NAV237   20076-99999 
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/26/07
NAV237 20076-99999 LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)
Navajo Legal Terminology
Designed for Navajo-speaking students. Emphasis on legal terminology, including specific vocabulary and linguistic structures.
Prerequisites: (NAV202, or NAV204, or equivalent), or (permission of Instructor or Department Chair).
Course Note: NAV237 is conducted entirely in Navajo.
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MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
NAV237   20076-99999 Navajo Legal Terminology
1. Use Navajo vocabulary to identify the differences between Roman civil law and English common law. (I)
2. Pronounce Navajo words using standard sound patterns and intonation. (I-VI)
3. Use Navajo legal terms to describe current events relating to legal issues in civil and criminal law. (I-VI)
4. Conduct a mock client interview in Navajo. (II, V)
5. Describe in Navajo the legal process in civil and criminal cases. (II, V)
6. Explain in Navajo the judicial system. (II, V)
7. Compose and present oral discourse on a topic of law. (II-VI)
8. Describe in Navajo legal and penal matters in the indicative and subjunctive moods. (II-VI)
9. Read and analyze articles from Navajo newspapers relating to legal issues. (II-VI)
10. Read and analyze articles written in Navajo, relating to specific areas of law. (II-VI)
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MCCCD Official Course Outline:
NAV237   20076-99999 Navajo Legal Terminology
    I. History of Law
      II. Civil Law
          A. Marriage
          B. Family
          C. Divorce
          D. Wills
        III. Business Law
            A. Obligations
            B. Contracts
            C. Termination of contracts
          IV. The Law and Government
              A. Statutes and government agencies
              B. Economic and business controls
              C. Consumerism
            V. Penal Law
                A. Crime
                B. Defense
              VI. The Judicial System
                  A. Court
                  B. Procedures
                  C. Jury and judgments
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